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Chapter 1662

She had a whirlwind of words trapped inside her chest and ready to burst forth, but she knew Fitch wasn't the type to listen, sincehe never was keen on hearing her speak.

Her lips quivered as she tried to muster a smile for him, only to find it an impossible feat.


She still wanted to ask, "Did you ever care, even for just a second?"

But Fitch had already turned away and made his way over to Mia, before he murmured something in her ear.

Zoey stood beside a few police officers, her gaze dropping to the handcuffs encircling her wrists.

There was no need to ask; his actions cut deeper than words ever could.

Fitch left the police station, grabbed Mia by the hand, and practically hurled her into the car.

"I've sorted out your ticket to fly abroad. Leave now and never come back."novelbin

Mia understood. She had crossed his line.

Her proud brother could never tolerate being played.

She felt a sense of twisted satisfaction—Zoey was locked up, and Belinda was still enduring torture with that despicable man.Mia's lips curled into a smirk, her eyes gleaming with triumph.

"Got it, Fitch."

Fitch didn't even glance at her; he simply ordered the driver to move out.

The news of Zoey's imprisonment caught Star Movie Group off guard, and it didn’t reach them until three days later.Elvis had been unable to reach Zoey, as had everyone else. Just as he was about to call the police, they rang him up.

He thought he was hallucinating. Zoey running someone over and deliberately crushing them? It didn't sound like somethingshe'd do. He rushed to the police station.

But they wouldn't let him see her. Out of options, he called Maja.

Maja had been quietly focusing on her pregnancy since Fitch and Tyler left.

She still dreamed of lan every night, and her mind was a troubled sea.

So when she heard about Zoey's predicament, her head began to ache instinctively."She ran someone over three times?"

"Mr. Pennyfeather, that's the story from the police. The victim's family accepted the settlement, and the final sentence wasreduced to one year. But it all seems so rushed, and | can't find any information on the victim. It's like someone's covering it up,probably to keep us from reaching out to the family."

Weary from the stress of lan's disappearance, Maja rubbed her temple. But she had no choice now; she had to return toGreenfield.

If Elvis couldn't find the details, she knew someone was obstructing their search.

"I'll book a flight back immediately."

After hanging up, she turned to Beck.

Knowing he couldn't dissuade her, Beck agreed to accompany her back to Greenfield.

As the plane ascended, Maja stared at the clouds outside, feeling her heart heavy. She tried to keep her emotions in check forthe sake of the baby she was carrying.

Beck draped a blanket over her, concerned about her fragile state.

"We'll find out what happened once we're back in Greenfield. As for lan, my people are still searching for him. Try to rest, Maja."But sleep eluded her, so they chatted to pass the time.

“How's dad holding up?"

"He's still under observation in the hospital. The doctors said he might wake up next month. Dr. Sarah's taking care of him. Don'tworry."

Maja nodded, then she asked, "What about Philip and Phil? Haven't they been found either?"

"No, and neither has Patric. They've all vanished without a trace."

Instinctively, Maja's hand moved to her belly.

Her anxiety was palpable. She feared lan might truly be dead. What would she and her child do then?

The throbbing in her head made it impossible to think clearly.

However, as the plane touched down, her anxiety subsided slightly. She needed to deal with the situation in Greenfield promptly.

Upon her return, she kept a lowprofile, just instructing her p pig tainvestigate hefarnilyot the victimZoey Au egedly killed, as well asto check on the Haskins family'srecent activities. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

She also requested a prison visit, butthe police station flat! denied tet!ly after Berriar@iNtervened did thepetice agree to let Maja see Zoey.Please read the original content at


Feeling frail during her pregnancy, Maja wrapped up in a coat and scarf, and Beck insisted she wear cashmere gloves againstthe chill.

After sitting in the waiting room for ten minutes, she was informed that Zoey refused to see her.

Maja felt her temper flare. Why wouldn't Zoey see her? Knowing Zoey's character, she understood it must be her guilt keepingher hidden.

Before leaving Greenfield, Maja had

entrusted the compan ‘o Zee Now,

iwi ate arceration, shebt eel she's brought trouble upon

Maja. Please read the original

content at NovelDrama.Org.

Too ashamed to face the woman who had given her hope and whom she had vowed to repay for the rest of her life, Zoey choseisolation.

Zoey had always been gentle and never done wrong by anyone.

But her debt to Maja remained her only failing.

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