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Sarah stood in silence, her gaze fixated on the woman lying on the bed. Snippets of conversations she had overheard made itclear that the basement they were in was nothing short of formidable.The construction crew had toiled for a month, but they still couldn't crack the switch to this place.A mocking smile flickered across Sarah's lips. It seemed Summer had truly expended a lot of energy and resources to craft thiscage.So, Cynthia had spent her days here until the slow-acting poison was about to take effect? To struggle in this confined space,and to endure the presence of someone like Summer.For a moment, Sarah couldn't decide who had it worse - herself or Cynthia. Moreover, she couldn't even ascertain which of themreally was Cynthia.Human experimentation at the research base was a breach of moral ethics. People like her, who were subjected to experimentsagainst their will, struggled to find any meaning in their very existence.She watched Maja holding Cynthia's hand, weeping silently. That tear seemed to pierce through Sarah's heart without making asound.But she couldn't say anything, let alone reveal her true identity. Because even now, she wasn’t sure who she really was.Maja was being led out of the basement, guided toward the outside world. The sky above was a clear blue. Ever since the citywalls had been demolished by a bomb, one could stand here and see the vast sea stretching into the horizon.Behind them, the construction crew was preparing to blow up the place, to bury it forever.The fire spread quickly, with thick smoke billowing into the air. Maja stood at a distance, watching, but the scene before herseemed to split into a crevice, and then her world turned black.She had fainted. When she came to, she was in the Sanders family residence. Gazing up at the familiar ceiling, she curled herhand slightly, hearing Beck still on the phone.“What do you mean you've searched everywhere? How couldn't you find him? | get it, an 8.1 magnitude earthquake, but whatare you suggesting? That lan could have been swallowed up by a fissure in the ground? Alive and not seen, dead without atrace, is that it? | don't care, keep looking there; if not a month, then two, or even a year.”Hearing his voice, Maja felt a pang in her head. She reached out a hand, attempting to call out, but her throat was hoarse.Beck saw her hand by the bed and quickly hung up the phone.“Maja, that was a call from back home. Bernard and his team have taken the documents and returned. Windhelm’s higher-upshave called off the manhunt for lan and have even awarded him. Once we find lan, you two can return in glory. Oh, and yourphone has been ringing non-stop. Zoey and Carol both called to check on you. | told them you needed rest, and they hung up.”He didn't try to hide the news about lan. Maja was too smart; hiding it would only make her worry more.He moved closer, sitting by the bedside, “Don’t worry. The earthquake affected a wide area. It's normal not to have found anyoneyet. As soon as there's news, I'll let you know. You just focus on getting better. | hate to sound harsh, but sometimes no news isgood news.”Maja lowered her eyes, tugging at her neck where it throbbed slightly.“Beck, | know; I'm okay. What about Dylan and Walter?”To this day, she refused to take Dylan as her brother.

“Dylan's recovering quickly thanks toDoctor's medicine. That girl hamcame out of the basen him hasbeh Sein by his side. He's goneout to work today and won't be backfor a while.” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.Work"

“Have you forgotten? Most of theSanders family shares are in yourhands. As punishment, he hwork outsids t0\50pP6Tt Riise andHeXaft work at any big companies. |heard he's taken a cashier job at aconvenience store. That girl followshim everywhere, and she can't talk.I'm worried he might not be able tosupport her.” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.novelbin

Maja fell silent, remembering thesituation. But she didn't feel like mpleading for D Lp wasa COdhisarhekehe had agreed to. Withhis stubbornness, even if she didplea, he would still choose to workoutside. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.She looked down and gently touched her belly. Maybe once the baby was born, she would finally be able to let go of this knot inher heart.“Maja, just take care of yourself and wait for the news.”“Okay.”With lan still missing, she had no desire to do anything else. Her days were spent admiring the flowers in the garden, oblivious tothe events unfolding in Greenfield.

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