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Chapter 1572

Meanwhile, Zoey forced herself to drive away from the moment she got into her car.novelbin

She didn't glance at Fitch. Their cars nearly brushed past each other, but she didn't turn her head,

gripping the steering wheel with both hands, eyes fixed ahead.

Only about half a mile down the road did she realize she'd taken the wrong turn. She was supposed to

be heading home, yet here she was, on the way to the office.

A self-deprecating laugh escaped her lips - she still couldn't keep her cool around him. Even though

everyone said she was out of his league, called her shameless, she just couldn't let go.

That was Zoey. No matter how badly Belinda treated her, she desperately soaked up any scrap of

affection like a parched sponge, telling herself it was okay.

Then there was Murray. Seven years of a relationship where she'd shoulder hundreds of thousands in

debt, even though he flirted with the boss's daughter. There was a time when Zoey had hoped he'd

come back around.

With every love, she placed herself at rock bottom, down in the dust. But her feelings for Belinda, for

Murray, they had evaporated, packed away with enough disappointments to leave quietly.

She couldn't let go of Fitch, maybe because she hadn't amassed enough disappointment yet.

Zoey made a U-turn up ahead, and as she opened the door to her place, a scruffy little dog came

running, wagging its tail excitedly. She shed her coat and lifted the dog high.

"Ozzy, I'm sorry. I've been swamped at work; haven’t been around much."

Ozzy was a little mutt she and Fitch had adopted during their time together in that fancy villa, although

Fitch probably didn't remember.

Cradling the dog, Zoey noticed there was still some food she prepared for it left. After dumping the

leftover kibble and filling up fresh water, she cleaned up Ozzy's little mess.

Ozzy was all energy, circling around her legs, still wagging. Zoey's heart melted as she comforted the

pup in her arms.

Ozzy was the most obedient dog she'd ever met. She had installed cameras at home, and when

working overtime at the company, she would check on it for some time. It was still young, mostly

sleeping, waking up to eat, then back to sleep, never much of a fuss.

She took a deep breath, cuddling the dog on the couch for a while before posting on Facebook.

"Meet my Ozzy."

Unexpectedly, Tyler commented on her post, [Cool name for a pup.]

The name was Fitch's idea, but Tyler probably didn't know that.

She replied with a simple thanks and went back to playing with little Ozzy. Tyler stared at the post for a

long while before finally sending it to Fitch.

[Isn't this the puppy from Zoey's place, the one I've seen on your phone?]

Fresh from a shower and working from home, Fitch frowned upon reading the message.

The further he scrolled, the deeper his frown, a strange emotion stirring within. His body heated up as

he coldly deleted each photo.

Then he replied to Tyler.

[You're mistaken.] Read at Drам?novels.coм

Tyler raised an eyebrow. Had he really remembered it wrong?

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