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Chapter 1484

When Quentin was about to leave, he cast a lingering glance at the pile of ashes, feeling as though

something had scratched at his heart.

He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but the irritation nagged at him like a curse and kept haunting his


Aside from killing, he rarely experienced such emotions.

He didn't want to delve into it. The fact that he'd spared Maja's life was already a grand act of mercy.

Lugging a bundle of bones wrapped in a few scraps of cloth, Maja had barely walked a mile before she

passed out.

She felt her entire body aching and feverish.

It was an intense heat, as if she were about to combust.

Someone gently caught her around the waist, but she was too weak to open her eyes and see who it


When she awoke, she was lying on a small bed.

The sunset cast a warm glow through the window.

An IV needle was taped to the back of her hand.

She frowned and thought about pulling out the needle just as the door opened and Patric walked in.

Feeling tensed up, Maja scanned him several times. Had he recovered?

Patric approached and sat on a stool by the bed.

"Feeling any better?"

"You're back to yourself?"

He had a fresh mark on his forehead, probably from the night before.

Last night, with both her and Quentin absent, Patric must have gone looking for them and accidentally

bumped his head.

He touched the mark, his gaze unsettlingly aggressive.

It made Maja uncomfortable.

"Sort of back."

With just a glance, Maja knew this was Patric, not Eric.novelbin

Eric's gaze was warm, not mercurial like this.

This man seemed far too aggressive.

Maja closed her eyes, refusing to engage with him.

Patric remained silent, as if they were in a standoff.

After a while, he opened the box he'd brought.

"I packed you some soup; Just eat up."

Maja really was weak. Her wounds seemed to have been treated, but she didn't want to inquire who

had changed her clothes.

Taking the spoon, she quietly sipped, when she heard Patric say, "I saw Ian."

Her grip on the spoon tightened, and a spark of light flashed in her eyes.

"Is he on Middle Island?"

"Yeah, but he's got a lot of people around him. He can't get away to meet up with us for now."

Maja sighed with relief. As long as Ian was on Middle Island, it was okay.

"Take care of yourself for now; I'll keep in touch with him. In a few days, he should come to see you."

Feeling drained of strength, Maja just nodded.

After finishing the soup, she curled up under the covers and fell asleep.

Patric took the dishes out and tossed them into a nearby trash can.

He looked up at the sky, his eyes reflecting complex emotions.

His forehead ached from last night's injury. Realizing Quentin and Maja hadn't returned, he'd left the

tent by himself.

Not sure how long he'd walked, he ended up in a tussle with some thugs.

Driven by a survival instinct, he fought them off but accidentally hit his head and passed out.

Waking up, his found his mind clear, and he even remembered something new.

So that was it.

Maja trusted the simple-minded Patric but not this lucid version.

Now that she knew he was back to his senses, she'd become very cold.

She would eat the food he brought but didn't believe a word he said.

He claimed Ian was on Middle Island, but she wouldn't believe it unless Ian actually came for her.

Updated at Draмаnоvеls.cоm

Was Ian really captured that night?

She worried about him, and the anxiety made her stomach ache.

Such emotional turmoil was bad for the baby.

She took deep breaths to force herself to rest.

But the sight of the human bones nearby brought the piercing pain surging back.

Quentin, the boy who grew up on Forbidden Island and who yearned for light. was gone—consumed by


Fate had indeed been cruel to him.

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