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Chapter 1480

On a dimly lit evening in Middle Island, the streetlamps cast a weaker glow than usual, and Maja felt

the unmistakable prickling sensation of being followed.

She quickened her pace, her heart thumping in her chest as she ducked into an alleyway they had

used for a hasty escape just the night before.

She had intended to retrace her steps back to safety, but upon exiting the alley, she felt the cold touch

of steel pressed against her forehead. The stalker’s voice was icy as the gun.

“Come with us, Ms. Pennyfeather,” the man demanded.

Maja had thought the route too hidden for anyone to find her, but she was wrong. Her gun was

snatched away, her hands bound, and a blindfold draped over her eyes. She was led into a damp room

where she was suspended by her wrists.

“Where’s the Jellyfish Seal?” the voice interrogated.

It didn’t sound like K’s men. K, with his arrogance, played with her like a cat with a mouse, never

revealing his intentions so blatantly. But who else would know of her connection to the Jellyfish Seal?novelbin

As she pondered, the crack of a whip shattered her concentration. She had suffered this torture before

at the hands of K, the lashes followed by submersion in water, a pain far greater than what she was

feeling now. Yet she stood silent, her head bowed, enduring.

After twenty lashes, the man's frustration boiled over, and he whipped her five more times. “Where is

the Jellyfish Seal? Speak, and you earn your life!”

A wry smile touched Maja’s lips. If she spoke, her value would vanish. Her clothes were torn, revealing

a marred canvas of flesh and old scars.

The man frowned and stormed out to call Quentin. “Mr. Gellar, the woman won’t talk. Twenty whips and

she’s still silent.”

Most men would have passed out by now, but Maja remained conscious. Quentin was impressed by

her resilience. He leaned back, a smile flickering across his face. He knew exactly what to do next.

Two hours later, the door to the chamber swung open. Maja’s blindfold was removed, and she saw

Quentin lying unconscious on the floor, unmarked but unresponsive.

“Quentin!” she called hoarsely, her voice laced with concern.

She led Quentin into Middle Island. He couldn't be harmed here.

As she called his name again, the man with the whip doused Quentin’s face with a bucket of water.

Quentin stirred, and upon seeing Maja suspended, panic flashed across his face.

“Maja, are you alright?”

Her lips cracked and parched from the torture, she felt an unbearable heat coursing through her body.

“I’m fine.”

“That’s impossible. Look at you,” Quentin said, his eyes surveying her tattered clothes.

He knew the capability of his men; they could maximize pain without taking a life. Maja couldn’t die—

not until they had the Jellyfish Seal.

“Quentin, really, I’m okay. What are you doing here?”

“I’m sorry, Maja.”

“It’s not your fault.”

Before another word could be exchanged, the whip-holder approached, pressing a dagger to Quentin’s

throat. Content belongs to Draмanоvеls.com

“Maja, if you don’t give up the Jellyfish Seal’s location, this kid dies.”

If she remained silent, he would surely die.

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