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Chapter 1464

Back at Quentin's place, Maja noticed he was already home from school, talking about a new principal

being chosen. But who it was didn't really pique her interest.

As she was about to step out to catch a breath of fresh air in the courtyard that evening, a hand

suddenly clamped over her mouth.

The intruder was strong, dragging her backwards.

Her nose picked up a pungent scent of blood, and then she heard the thud of a heavy object hitting the

ground behind her.

Turning around, she illuminated the scene with her phone, and her eyes widened in shock.


Patric had somehow ended up on Outer Island.

She quickly called Quentin outside, and together they hauled the unconscious man into the house.

Patric was seriously injured, and he was still wearing hospital scrubs.

With just one glance, Quentin recognized them.

"He's from the Mental Health Facility in the South District. The patients sent there have severe

symptoms. Maja, is this a friend of yours?"

Maja was taken aback. Had Patric been mistakenly taken to a mental hospital during his few days on

the island?

Quentin's expression grew serious.

"We need to get him out of those clothes fast. That place is tight on security. They'll hunt their patients



"Because the patients there tend to be dangerously violent and extremely cunning in their attacks. You

should really send your friend back. Once he wakes up, he'll be a danger to you."

But Maja was already turning away. "Quentin, please help him change and burn the old clothes."

With that, she stepped outside.

Quentin closed the door, eyeing the slumbering man beside him. He clicked his tongue and quickly

replaced the hospital garb with his own clothes.

After the wardrobe switch, he notified Maja at the door.

Maja came in to examine Patric. He didn't have any visible injuries, which meant the blood on his

clothes was from a fight.

It wasn't until noon the next day that Patric finally stirred.

Maja was carrying a bowl of oatmeal into the room when their eyes met.

Patric's eyes lit up, and he jumped out of bed barefoot, enveloping her in a hug.

Maja frowned, about to push him away, but he released her first and excitedly called out, "Maja!"

Her face darkened. "Patric, what's this game you're playing?"

But innocence filled Patric's eyes. He even grasped her hand.

"Maja, Maja."

Quentin walked in and saw his state.novelbin

"Did your friend have mental health issues before?"

Maja almost shook her head, but then she remembered Patric's connection to Eric.

"Maja, it doesn't matter whether he was sick or not. By the looks of it, he was mistreated at the Mental

Health Facility, and it's left him unstable. Getting treatment on Outer Island is out of the question.

Medical resources here are limited. And if the hospital finds out he's here, they'll stop at nothing to take

him back. Even Troy's influence won't help. The people from that hospital are beyond reasoning with."

Maja didn't care one bit for Patric's fate, but she had to consider Eric's situation.

Taking a deep breath, she called Troy.

"Troy, any word on Ian today?"

"Nothing yet."

"I need you to arrange access to Middle Island for me, ASAP. I'm in a bit of a bind here, the sooner the


After hanging up, she saw Patric sprinting outside, starting to pull up grass in the yard.

"Patric, what are you doing?"

Ignoring her, he continued yanking out the grass, leaving a meter-wide circle bare.

Maja turned on the TV, and the news was broadcasting a report from the Mental Health Facility. A high-

risk escapee was on the loose—dangerous and highly skilled in combat. They urged immediate

reporting if he was spotted.

And there, plastered on the screen, was Patric's face.

Her brows furrowed tighter as she heard Patric's voice from the yard.

"Maja, look at this!"

He rushed in, his hands cradling a small flower.

"Isn't it pretty, isn't it pretty?"

It was as if he'd keep asking until she answered.

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