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Chapter 1461

Troy's complexion shifted, his grip on his cane tightening.

Wade might be a screw-up, but he was the grandson Troy had doted on since he was a child.

Maja was really making a scene, not giving anyone an inch.

The air was filled with Wade's howls, but nobody dared say a word.

Maja had already helped Quentin to the infirmary, leaving behind the chaotic scene.

The principal, pale as a ghost, hurried over to the old man, "Troy, what is happening?"

His mind was still buzzing, unable to believe the events that had just unfolded.

What if he had offended Maja? What was he going to do? Panic set in, his palms sweaty.novelbin

"Troy, Maja is quite the hothead. Today she nearly made a spectacle of Wade and then had the

audacity to show such bravado in front of you. Should we send her to Inner Island?"

Troy's eyes were sharp beneath his furrowed brows.

The principal's suggestion was clear: he hoped the wealthy families on Inner Island would put Maja in

her place.

With its affluent residents and the four big families, Inner Island was a powerhouse. Yet even there,

Maja's worth was top-tier.

After all, twenty million dollars were just pocket money to her. How rich was she?

Troy was fond of Wade, but he was no fool. He could see through the principal's ploy.

With a look, he signaled his bodyguards, who promptly seized the principal.

The principal, in a panic, exclaimed, "Troy, what are you doing?"

Troy waved his hand dismissively, "Time for a change in leadership. Let's see who Ms. Pennyfeather

would prefer as principal."

The principal's face drained of color, his complexion ashen.

Troy stepped forward, his voice commanding, "Everybody disperse. The police will deal with Wade and

the principal accordingly."

Wade, who had been feigning injury on the ground, clung to Troy's feet in fear at these words.

"Grandpa, don’t do this to me, please!"

Tears and snot mingled as he wept, but the old man merely kicked him away.

"Get lost! How did I end up raising such a disappointment like you!"

Wade and the principal were swiftly taken away by the bodyguards.

Troy, still gripping his cane, gave further instructions, "Alva, you kneel right here until Ms. Pennyfeather

has calmed down."

Alva's legs buckled in fear. If Wade could be treated so harshly, what was she in comparison?

She fell to her knees, trembling all over.

After issuing his commands, Troy finally took a breath.

Meanwhile, in the infirmary, Quentin had been bandaged up, his complexion pale from blood loss.

Maja asked, "What do you think of Troy?"

"He knows when to bend and when to stand tall."

Troy didn't have to come to the scene today. A man of his stature surely had connections to Inner


The intricate web of wealthy family interests meant that the Brennan family would not fall too

disgracefully. But still, the old man had come in person.

Maja's eyes narrowed, a slight smile playing on her lips, "It seems he doesn't want the Brennan family

to collapse."

Quentin's lashes fluttered down, his tone soft, "And that remark you made..."

The mention of a mere twenty million dollars had given Troy pause.

Maja looked at her hands, "Actually, I came here looking for someone. If Troy is reliable, I might

consider working with him."

Quentin didn't know who she was seeking, but Maja's fortune astounded him. He felt the tattoo on the

back of his neck burning.

Maybe he could really keep on living.

That evening, they returned to the small courtyard to find the house transformed, with workers busily


The children gathered around the new double doors, their faces lit with joy.

"Quentin, Quentin, the door is so pretty."

"There's so much new stuff in the house. We didn't dare touch anything without you here," they said

eagerly, tears of concern welling in their eyes.

"Quentin, are you hurt? Did someone bully you?"

Quentin quickly soothed the bunch, then went inside to check on the Madam.

But the woman lay still in her bed, she was gone.

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