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Chapter 1449

Maja and Ian had bunked down for the night at the fight club, making sure nothing was afoot in

Greenfield before deciding to set out.

Back when Ian had taken Patric from Windhelm, he had made a promise to Bernard to root out that

research base.

That was the only reason Bernard had agreed to let him take Patric away. Otherwise, even with a

bounty on him, nobody could have taken Patric from Windhelm.

On the rooftop of the villa at the fight club, Patric was still in disbelief.

"Ian, you sure you want to bring me along?"

Ian had clamped his hand in the helicopter, shutting the door behind them.


Patric's head slammed against something sharp, sending waves of pain that made his head spin.

He glanced at Ian and realized he and Maja were boarding another chopper.

Finding Lillian and getting the antidote had to be their top priority now. They couldn't afford any delays

with Augus.

Plus, they needed to understand BK to further unravel the mysteries of the research base.

Patric had no means of communication with him, a clear sign Ian wanted to keep him under close


Without a word, Patric just watched the ground grow distant below.

On the other helicopter, Maja was busy assembling a firearm.

She had scoured the internet for information on this place, but there was precious little to find.

It was a trio of secluded islands, right in the heart of the ocean, rumored to have been formed over

thousands of years.

The place was somewhat akin to the underground fight club, although at least there you could

communicate with the outside world. Forbidden Island, however, was completely cut off.

Once a detention site for the criminally insane over three hundred years ago, every soul shipped off to

the island was said to be a few cards short of a full deck.

A century ago, a massive fire swept through the island. Order was reestablished, and a fully

independent and isolated nation was born.

The native islanders were forbidden from venturing out to sea, and from marrying outsiders, and all

external trade was controlled by four ruling families.

That was about all Maja could glean from the clues Walter had provided.

Communications on the island were strictly internal, and outside calls were a no-go. Firearms were

forbidden too, reserved only for the ruling elite.

In a nutshell, it was a place stuck in the past. Visitors' aircraft had to land on the beach before the first

island to undergo thorough inspections.

While the three islands were linked, only the innermost was home to the elite, and while getting in

might be easy, getting out was anything but.

Maja and Ian's helicopter touched down on the outer ring of Forbidden Island, where guards were

allowed firearms.

Maja's brow furrowed as she watched them confiscate even the smallest of blades.

Patric stood behind her, his brow mirroring hers.

"So what in the world are we doing here?" he questioned, "Can't you see? The firearms are in thenovelbin

hands of the four families. We're walking in unarmed, like fish on a chopping board."

His point wasn't lost on Maja, which only added to her discomfort.

But she had an inkling of why Lillian was hiding out here. With communications severed from the world,

it was a bygone realm. A perfect hiding spot if Lillian was dodging someone. Otherwise, even in

another continent, she’d eventually be unearthed.

She surveyed her surroundings, noting a towering, slick wall about one hundred and sixty feet high,

unscalable by humans. It was no wonder there were virtually no escapees from the island over the


The internet had whispers about Forbidden Island, but it wasn't a hot topic. Most figured it was privately

owned and off-limits to visitors.

Clearly, this place's existence was beyond the common person's comprehension.

In an age of advanced technology, how could such a place still exist?

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