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Chapter 1443

Maja stepped into the grim room, her gaze landing on two figures strung up and babbling incoherently.

However, upon catching sight of Ian's face, a flicker of fear crossed their eyes.

Strangely enough, even in this wretched state, having been exposed as frauds, they still bore an

uncanny resemblance to Tomas and Juliet. It was as if impersonating these two individuals had been

ingrained into their very bones.

With just one look, Maja knew deep hypnosis was at play here.

But deep hypnosis alone couldn't achieve this kind of transformation.

Juliet chose that moment to speak, her voice laced with a tragic tone.

"Beck, Dylan, blame me for not cradling you in my arms, blame us for turning a blind eye to Cynthia's

antics back in the day. It's our fault, and this is the Sanders family's calamity, and the seer's predictions

were spot on."

Even now, they clung to their fabricated identities, only their gaze betraying them briefly at the sight of


Maja's brow furrowed as she asked, "This so-called seer, did you catch him?"

She directed the question at Dylan, but he stood rigid and silent.

Walter, always ready with a quip, chimed in, "Long gone."

"Have these two been examined? Were they hypnotized?"

The corners of Walter's mouth curled up, his fox-like eyes gleaming with inscrutable depth, "Hypnosis

alone couldn't have done this."

A hush fell over the room, broken a few seconds later by Ian's phone call.

"Nydia, escort Patric over here, I'll send you the address."

What was it about Ian's face that caused a ripple in the impostors' composure? Had they encountered

Eric at the research facility and made some kind of connection?

Patric arrived by helicopter, and upon his entrance, the counterfeit duo's faces shifted once more.

Tellingly, upon laying eyes on them, Patric instinctively stepped back, his own frown deepening.

"Who are these people?"

Tomas became agitated, rattling the shackles around his wrists, his eyes wide with fervor.

Patric felt a surge of revulsion, "Ian, why did you bring me here?"

"Do you recognize them?"


"How about Eric?"

Before Patric could answer, a searing pain shot through his head, doubling him over.

"Damn! How should I know if Eric recognizes them? I'm in agony."

Especially when he locked eyes with the impostors, a restless agitation coursed through him.

He called out for Eric in his mind, but no answer came.

Clutching his throbbing head, he leaned against the wall, his face ghostly pale.

Even if he didn't recognize them, it was clear that these two were tied to the research facility.

Maja gripped Ian's hand, the unfolding conspiracy feeling like a net ensnaring them without escape.

Dylan broke the silence.

"They won't spill anything useful, and they've been tortured to no end, like zealots. Deep hypnosis can't

achieve this effect, even under duress they believe they're part of the Sanders family. I've told the rest

of the family that they returned to the island. We'll keep these two here for now. If you have other

matters, feel free to take off. Leave North America to me and Walter."

Walter snuffed out his cigarette and stepped closer, unhesitatingly gripping one of the impostors' chin.

"Dylan, I'm genuinely curious about their training. Their faces are nearly flawless. Did they undergo

surgery to look like Tomas in his youth, and then were aged artificially? But what about their


Amusement danced in his eyes as he released his grip.

"If you need anything, just holler."

Dylan, constrained by Maja's presence, could only retort.

"Where's that grim bodyguard of yours today?"

"Can we not talk about her?" Walter's mood darkened as he slowly opened another pack of cigarettes.

"She's being disciplined for a little mishap."

"Walter, you're not exactly the chivalrous type, are you?"

Exhaling a plume of smoke, Walter's fox-like eyes crinkled, "Have you ever seen a girl take on thirty


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