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Chapter 1411

Beck froze, but then quickly followed.

"Hey, Ian, what's going on?"

Ian ignored him as he boarded not a car, but a helicopter.

Beck tried to climb aboard too, nearly getting kicked off in the process.

"Damn it, Ian! Why do you always do this? At least tell me what's up. Plus, I came to see you about

something important. You don't have to be so cold, man!"

After saying his piece, Beck, still determined, boarded the helicopter.

Ian's voice was icy, his gaze fixed ahead as if staring at some inanimate object.

"You better pray Maja's okay, or Dylan's as good as dead."

Beck's heart skipped a beat; the videos came to mind. Had his brother gone after Maja for revenge?

He immediately tried calling Dylan, but got no response.

Beck was on edge and decided to call Arlene.novelbin

Arlene picked up.

"Mom, what's Dylan up to?"

"Your brother took Maja. That woman needed to learn her lesson for crossing Judith. She can't just get

away with that!"

Beck was fuming. Why couldn't they see reason?

He wanted to say more, but the helicopter was taking off.

He ended the call and turned to Ian, "I know where Judith lives. I know my brother's temper. Even if he

took Maja, he'd go to Judith's place first."

The helicopter veered toward that location.

After just ten minutes, Ian received a call from Fitch.

Fitch had been in Crystalbrook Valley for almost five days, gathering some intel that he wanted to share



Ian's voice came through, and Fitch let out a sigh of relief, his other hand sorting through documents.

"The hospital here in Crystalbrook Valley is where Mrs. Sanders gave birth to her daughter. A lot of staff

left during that time. I've been trying to track down the former employees, and it turns out, all of them,

one by one, died within a year."

"All dead?"

Ian was surprised. This pointed to a massive conspiracy behind the Sanders family’s child swap.

Otherwise, why would so many lives be lost?

"Yeah, all dead. I thought the truth was buried, but then I found this mental asylum. It was relocated ten

years ago to a remote village, run by a few local ladies on a shoestring budget. There are only a

handful of patients, one of whom is a former hospital employee. He's been acting crazy ever since he

got lucky and escaped death. Playing the madman has been his survival strategy."

"So, is the Sanders’ daughter Jolin?"


Fitch was certain, his finger tracing an address.

If Maja had been there, she would have recognized it—it was where she once lived in Crystalbrook

Valley, albeit briefly.

"Ian, Jolin and Maja’s backgrounds are similar, but since Maja’s been with you, it’s easier to overlook

certain clues. I've found a few key points here. First, Maja’s supposed foster mother, Lillian, is a dead

ringer for Arlene. Second, Maja was also born in that hospital. And according to this madman's

testimony, two children were indeed switched that year. The mastermind's identity is well hidden. Only

the coerced hospital director knew and had to comply. The entire department had no choice. He also

mentioned that the switched child lived in this particular area, which was Lillian’s home."

At that moment, everything clicked for Ian.

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