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Chapter 1329

He had been planning on handing off Maja's training to someone else, as he had to step out for a bit.

So, after hanging up the call, he left without a moment's delay.

Once certain he was gone, poor Maja's days got even rougher. Whipped to the bone, shivering

uncontrollably as she soaked in the pool, it was sheer torment.

But the blurry halo of light before her eyes slowly regained color. Though she couldn't see anything

specific yet, her vision was returning quickly, and she found she could speak again.

The next morning dawned.

When she next opened her eyes, the ceiling above came into sharp focus.

She hurried out of bed, eager to explore her surroundings, but the sound of footsteps approached,

followed by the voice of Agent 002.

"Mr. K just left yesterday, and here you are slacking off. Get up! Today, I've got a new kind of fun for


Maja pretended to still be incapacitated, fumbling to get up.

Out of spite, 002 grabbed her arm and dragged her to a room.

This room's training was far more brutal than dodging whips. It was a chamber of traps, eighty-one

levels of varying and unpredictable danger. Nowhere was safe. The button outside the door adjusted

the intensity of the training.

The highest setting was lethal, medium could be disabling, and the lowest would still leave one with

serious injuries.

002 yanked Maja toward her, a cold smirk in her eyes.

"Enjoy your time in here. If you come out conscious, I'll consider you tough."

She went to shove Maja inside, but Maja dodged with swift grace, landing a kick right on 002's


Caught off-guard, 002 tumbled into the room, and the next second, the heavy iron door slammed shut.

Maja's face was expressionless as she peered at the control button in her hand, pressing it to the

highest level.

002's screams echoed from within, but the soundproofing was too good. Unless one pressed an ear to

the door, the cries were inaudible.

Maja did just that, listening as 002 cursed and stumbled through the traps.

With a slight curl of her lips, Maja walked away.

Stepping outside, the sunlight seemed too bright. The place was like a manor, perched halfway up a

hill. Cliffside, with fog swirling below.

There weren't many servants in the villa. Even with her limited vision, she hadn't heard many voices.

Still, she dared not reveal that she could see. She moved slowly, as if just out for a stroll, even with

cameras possibly watching.

The estate was massive, impossible to traverse quickly. As she thought of turning back, she spotted a

plump, cherubic girl waving at her from a distance.

Maja instinctively nodded before remembering she was supposed to be blind and ignored the gesture,

continuing on.

Agent 003 hurried over. "Ms. Pennyfeather, have you had breakfast yet?"

Maja hadn't eaten since yesterday, and yet, her stomach ailment hadn't flared.

"Let's go back for breakfast," 003 offered warmly, taking Maja's arm.

Maja didn't resist, though her mind raced. This person knew she was blind but had waved anyway. Was

it a test?

She was guided to the living room, where a chef had already prepared breakfast. Here, her meals were

precisely crafted by a nutritionist, down to the gram of salt per meal.

As she sat down, 003's gossipy voice piped up.

"I've heard you and Ian are an item, Ms. Pennyfeather?"

Maja's hand paused, fork in air. People here were talking about Ian?

Her brow furrowed as she saw 003's face split into a grin.

"Is it true? I even bumped into Carlene recently, Ian's ex-flame. She's hit hard times—works the streets

in North America's slums. Heard she's had a couple of unfortunate mishaps. I barely recognized her, all

skin and bones."

"You know Carlene?"

003's casual response seemed out of place. "Oh sure, I met her once on a mission to Greenfield. Afternovelbin

that, Carlene's story was the talk of the town."

Her voice was flat, her fork idly spinning in her plate.

"But we're not close. Back then, in Greenfield, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who didn't know

their names. Their scandal was quite the buzz."

Something didn't sit right with Maja.

This seemingly innocent 003 might be more dangerous than 002.

"Ms. Pennyfeather, where is 002?"

"I don't know."

"Well, I'll take over the whip-handling today. I'll be just as strict as Mr. K, and I hope you won't hold a


Her smile was disarming as she pushed a glass of water towards Maja.

Maja showed no reaction, quietly eating her meal.

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