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Chapter 1308

The last time she was drifting off to sleep, his lips kept grazing hers tenderly.



Maja felt a blush creep up her cheeks. The day had been utterly absurd.novelbin

"Stop calling out."

Her voice was raspy, betraying both her exhaustion and the surreal bubble of happiness enveloping


"I want to call out to you, just to say your name a few more times."

"Maja, I love you."

"Ian, I really can't take this anymore."

Her words were choked, stuck in her throat.

Ian watched her face quietly as she slipped into slumber.

Outside, a tempest raged, and through a slightly ajar window, the night air wafted in, causing the

curtains to billow.

The downpour seemed endless, and Ian, tireless, kissed every inch of her, her body reacting fervently

even in dreams.

After bathing her and drying her hair, it was already 7 a.m. the following morning.

The relentless rain continued, accompanied by the occasional clap of thunder.

Ian couldn't resist kissing her again as he watched her peaceful face.

In her dreams, Maja felt her cheeks dampen, a warm liquid that soon turned cold.

She struggled to awaken, but the past two days with Ian had been too wild.

She felt happiness, a deep, bone-deep contentment.

Before she drifted off, she wanted to reciprocate Ian's declaration.

She wanted to say, "I love you, I love only you, so stop being jealous of others."

But she never got the chance to say it.

With another thunderous roar, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

It was Fitch.

"Ian, the man's outside waiting."

Ian tensed up, gripping Maja's hand tightly.

In her dream, Maja squeezed back.

He picked her up and headed downstairs.

Fitch, standing in the hallway with a cigarette, said nothing, sensing the heavy weight Ian carried.

They both felt invincible, whether in Greenfield or North America, their power was undeniable.

Yet the world was vast, unimaginably so.

Even a single entity like BK had unfathomable strength behind it.

And the research base, a gathering of geniuses, what sort of place was that?

Ian held Maja close.

As he opened the living room door, the storm outside rushed in, mirroring the turmoil in his heart.

His eyes, dark and deep, gazed at the black car waiting outside.

If he could act without consequence, he'd take out this so-called Mr. K right now, but that would mean

Maja would suffer hundreds of times more pain because of the drug.

He took a deep breath as two bodyguards approached.

The bodyguards, faces masked, bowed respectfully, gesturing for him to let Maja go.

Ian held her tighter, suppressing the rising fury.

Fitch, standing behind him, knew how hard this was and finally spoke.

"Let go, Ian. There will be other times."

But when that 'other time' would be, no one could say.

Ian looked down at the woman still sleeping in his arms.

She had lost weight from the recent ordeal, looking fragile and serene.

He breathed deeply, his forehead resting against hers.

"Maja, wait for me. I'll come for you soon."

"Wait for me."

In her dream, Maja frowned with unease.

She wanted to open her eyes, but they felt too heavy.

Her hand clung subconsciously to the fabric she knew so well.

Was she about to be separated from Ian?

She didn't want that.

Ian handed her over to the bodyguard, but her grip on his sleeve was unyielding.

The bodyguard, somewhat troubled, glanced inadvertently toward the car.

Ian understood then. Mr. K was surely inside.

With this realization, his gaze shifted to the car, locking eyes with the man seated within.

The masked man said nothing, simply tapping his knee quietly.

The next moment, Ian strode towards the car and yanked the sliding door open.

The man inside was about the same height as Ian, his presence both calm and sharp, and silence

hung between them.

Ian placed Maja gently on the seat, cautious not to hurt her.

Yet she still clung to his clothing, unwilling to let go. Gritting his teeth, he took off his suit jacket and

draped it over her.

After completing these acts, he looked at the man once more.

"I will find you."

The words were a declaration of war.

The next second, Ian closed the door with a finality in his voice.


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