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Chapter 1247

Maja was wrapped in Patric's arms, feeling a cold chill running down her spine.

Patric, however, raised a brow and immediately dialed Ian's number.

"Didn't you mention last time that all it would take for you to sign the share transfer agreement was a

meeting with Maja? Let's meet at the Raymond Corporation's penthouse at 8 AM tomorrow. I'll bring


He hung up without waiting for a reply and turned to Maja, "Let's go inside."

He strode ahead, but noticed Maja wasn't following. Turning back, he saw the dull look in her eyes.

He waved his hand in front of her face, but she didn't respond.

Stiffening, Patric heard Eric's voice in his head.

"What's wrong with Maja?"

Whenever it concerned Maja, Eric was always the first to react.

Patric replied in his mind.

"Isn't it obvious? She's blind now. The man who brought her here really didn't hold back."

Impatiently, he grabbed Maja's hand and led her inside.

"Let me go!"

Maja felt like she was falling into an ice pit. She was really being handed over to Patric. By tomorrow,

Ian would no longer be the CEO of the Raymond Corporation.

Her fear was overwhelming, and she wished she could just die then and there.

"Let me go!"

Once inside the hall, Patric threw her onto the couch.

Maja, blinded, fell into the cushions.

Patric raised an eyebrow, picked up the handcuffs from the side and cuffed her to a sturdy rack nearby.

"You'll stay here tonight. Tomorrow, I'll use you to trade with Ian for the Raymond Corporation."

His resolve was unyielding. He couldn't afford to miss this opportunity.

Maja fell silent, feeling the deep hatred Patric harbored for Ian.

Not only did he want the Raymond Corporation, he also wanted to kill Ian.

If Ian ceased to be the Raymond Corporation's CEO, he would never leave Greenfield alive.

She was terrified, but what could she do? She couldn't even see.

As Patric was about to leave, he heard her choked sobs.

"Eric, I don't know if you're still there. When you left Crystalbrook Valley, you promised that you'd never

hurt me. You said that promise could be my 18th birthday gift. But you never showed up. Maybe we

weren't meant to be."

Her voice was hoarse, one hand cuffed, her lashes cast downward.

"Are you still there? Are you the one who promised to stand by me?"

Patric felt a sudden, intense pain in his head.

Over time, he had noticed that Eric was weakening, devoid of the strength to take over his body.

But after Maja's words, Eric started to fight for control.

Patric's face went pale, sweat rolling down his cheeks in large drops.

His hand braced against the wall, veins popping on the back of his hand as he tried to calm Eric in his


"Eric, have you forgotten the suffering at the research center? Who was there for you when you needed

them? She's clearly using you, hoping you'd help her escape. But it's for Ian, not you, Eric. Don't be

foolish. You met her first, but she loves Ian."

Patric clutched his head, the pain nearly causing him to faint.

"Eric, you're already weak. If you forcefully take control of the body, you'll only disappear faster."

As soon as he finished speaking, Patric felt his thoughts become light and airy.

Eric had taken over.

Maja sat on the couch, watching as the man spun around.

His aura had changed, his eyes looking incredibly weak. He stumbled towards the drawer, pulling out

the key to the handcuffs, ready to set her free.

"Maja, listen to me. You haven't slept with Patric."

He held the key, trembling as he attempted to unlock the handcuffs, when a sudden pain seized hisnovelbin


The key fell to the ground and he braced himself against the coffee table, sweat pouring down his face.

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