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Chapter 1194

"Mom, ever since that incident, you've changed a lot. You weren't like this before. I don't want to stay in

the Raymond Corporation. I have my own plans for the future, so stop pressuring me."

"Not staying in the Raymond Corporation?"

Maureen’s tone shot up instantly, her fingers pinching his arm, almost bruising the skin.

"Not staying in the Raymond Corporation, then where are you going? Now that I've lost my shares in

the Raymond Corporation, you're leaving the company, and the Raymond family will have nothing to do

with us. We won't get a dime of the estate! Why are you so disobedient, so blind!"

Ryan took a deep breath, his eyes instantly reddening.

"I don't know why you think Ian wants to get rid of me completely. Dennis has done so many

outrageous things to him, yet he let him live, only taking away his shares in the Raymond Corporation.

Mom, you all say Ian is cruel and cold-hearted, but in my eyes, the most cold-hearted people are you! "

He slowly shook his head, tears rolling down his cheeks, his heart aching.

"I really don't understand. Why do you all speak ill of Ian? Every time I ask him for money, he never

hesitates. When I interned at the Raymond Corporation, he would explain any questions I had. Ian is

the most perfect person in my heart. Mom, I'm going to join a racing team in the future, stop



Maureen was startled, gripping his arm desperately.

She was also angry with Ian. Ryan had just entered his office and came out talking about joining a

racing team. Was Ian deliberately encouraging him to do this, just to completely drive their family out of

the Raymond Corporation?

"Ryan! Don't think too highly of Ian. You are now bewitched by him. Once you leave the Raymond

Corporation, we will have no relationship with the Corporation. He is clearing obstacles for himself. You

are too young to consider the fundamental issues."

Ryan didn't speak anymore, because it was useless.

In Maureen's eyes, everything Ian did was wrong.

Maureen wasn't like this before.

Ryan couldn't accept this change and shook off her hand, striding away.


Maureen called out three times, but Ryan didn't look back but entered the elevator.

Maureen felt livid. She stormed into Ian's office without knocking and started accusing him.

"What did you say to Ryan? Ian, I know you blame me for what happened before, but that has nothing

to do with Ryan. Even if you don't like me, you shouldn't encourage Ryan to go racing!"

Ian was still holding a pen, his expression unchanged.

"Get out."

His tone was much colder, and he didn't even look at her.

Maureen was scared by his imposing aura, and her words got stuck in her throat.

She couldn't say a word, but she was full of resentment.

As an elder, Ian's disrespect was disappointing.

Ian saw her still standing there and frowned.

Deep down, Maureen was still afraid of him. She slowly stepped back, somewhat angry.

"Now that Eric is back, everyone supports him for taking this position. Ian, if you really care about thenovelbin

Raymond family, you should hand over your shares! We have all agreed on this plan, and your

grandmother will be back soon. Anyway, think about it."

She quickly finished and left.

She didn't even consider that those shares belonged to Ian personally, and the Raymond Corporation's

stock had multiplied several times because of his leadership. Now they wanted Ian to voluntarily give

up these shares, which was outright robbery.

But they whitewashed this robbery in the name of family affection, trying to convince Ian that those

things should belong to Eric.

After she left, Ian seemed unaffected and continued to quietly review the documents in his hand.

However, no one saw that his speed had slowed down a lot.

Soon, Jeff walked in, bringing another pile of documents.

"Mr. Raymond, Eric has been getting close to several senior executives recently, but there hasn't been

any dangerous topic involved."

Ian put down his pen and pushed the reviewed documents over.

"I see."

"They seem to be getting along well. Do you think we should let these senior executives..."

Jeff was worried that these senior executives would be won over by Eric, so he wanted to let them

resign in advance.

Ian's tone was very calm instead.

"No need, it's not their fault. Eric has a natural ability to make people like him."

Jeff stopped talking. He wasn't sure if it was just his misconception, but he sensed a hint of resignation

in Ian's casual words.

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