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Chapter 1189

This was also the first time Dylan had been abruptly cut off by Augus. He hadn’t even finished


Judith wasn't a fool. She knew what was going on just by listening to part of their conversation. Her

eyes were filled with tears, looking pitiful.

"Dylan, are you not going to help me?"

Dylan sighed and walked over, gently rubbing her head.

"I didn’t say that, but the mess Linda and her friends have stirred up has gotten the higher-ups in

Greenfield all riled up. You know how unique Linda and her friends are, and you provided the venue, so

our dad found out about it. You remember how Dennis got messed up with this stuff? Dad hates it more

than anything, which is why he's so pissed."

Judith knew. Dennis had indeed become a mess because of that darn stuff.

Those rich, spoiled people in North America, the ones who claimed to be all about freedom, almost

everyone got their hands dirty. But the Sanders family had learned their lesson the hard way, so Augus

had warned everyone early on not to touch that stuff.

After Augus' brother Dennis started using, he had a one-night stand with a woman and accidentally got

her pregnant.

The woman used the baby to threaten Dennis' wife, who couldn't handle the shock and committed


The Sanders family was in an uproar. Everyone rushed to Dennis's house. Dennis, who wasn't in his

right mind, almost stabbed Arlene Abbott Sanders in the chaos.

Even though he was stopped just in time, Arlene still got stabbed and had to be rushed to the hospital.

When Dennis sobered up, he killed himself out of guilt, leaving behind a high school-aged kid who

rarely visited the Sanders family after that. No one knew where he ended up.

Overnight, two lives were lost. Augus' hatred for the stuff was evident.

Now that Judith was involved in this stuff, it was only natural that he went ballistic.

Dylan sighed.

"Judith, even if you go back to North America next time, don't contact Linda for a while. Dad's really

mad this time."

Judith lowered her eyes, her eyes welling up with tears. She felt like her father wasn't as fond of her as

he used to be.

"What about my marriage to Ian?"

"I'm still working on it. He's been busy lately, but when he can't handle it anymore, he'll agree to marry


Judith's hand slowly clenched at her side. She was desperate to know who had set Linda up.

It couldn't possibly be Maja, could it?

Her face changed many times as she grabbed Dylan's arm in desperation.

"Dylan, did Ian do this?"

"It was Maja."

"No way!!"

She couldn't believe it. How could a lowlife like Maja get Linda and her group into trouble?

Dylan were serious, "Maja's trick is far more formidable than I thought. I've already called Wind back.

You rest at home and take care of yourself. I'll handle Ian."

"It's not possible. Maja couldn't possibly outsmart Linda. Linda has powerful backing, while Maja is just

a nobody. I can't accept it. I bet Maja's laughing at me behind my back right now!"

She had called for backups from North America, intending to use Linda to take the edge off Maja. But

Maja sent everyone packing in one fell swoop.

Linda was no match for her!

Judith was convulsed with rage, her lips turning white.

Dylan quickly fetched the medicine from the side and fed it to her.

"Judith, don't think about Maja anymore."

But Judith was too angry to care about anything else. She was furious. She was going crazy. She

couldn't accept that Maja had so easily seen through Linda's trap!

"Bro, you have to help me take down Maja. I want her to suffer! Now, yes, right now, have someonenovelbin

deal with her. Otherwise, I won't sleep tonight. I won't eat anymore. I'll starve myself. I need to see

Maja pay with my own eyes before I'll recover. Otherwise, just let me die!"

Judith cried until her eyes were red, almost choking on her sobs.

Dylan felt a pang of heartache and pulled her into his arms.

"Take a deep breath first, calm down, or you'll end up in the hospital again."

"I can't calm down! I want her dead! I want her dead!"

She screamed, even starting to pound her fists on Dylan's back.

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