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Chapter 1072

Maja bolted up from her bed, her heart pounding. She thought someone was playing a prank on her.

A second later, another message arrived.

[Nice pajamas.]

Maja felt a chill run down her spine. She remembered the room filled with hidden cameras from her

past. The feeling sent shivers down her spine.

She turned off the light and scanned the room. No sign of hidden cameras.

She moved to the window, just about to draw the curtains. The phone buzzed again.

[You look adorable searching around for me. Did I go too far last time? Did you take any birth control


It was Patric.

Maja's hand tightened on the curtain, her palm slick with cold sweat.

Without hesitation, she pulled the curtain shut, ensuring no one could see into the room from outside.

She sank back onto the bed.

No more messages came, but she couldn't shake the unease.

She checked the bathroom again, making sure every corner was clear before climbing back into bed.

Then someone knocked on the door. Her whole body stiffened. She walked to the door and peered

through the peephole.

The peephole showed nothing but darkness. It was blocked.

She immediately dialed Ian's number.

Ian was lying in bed, feeling unwell for some unknown reason.

Little did he know that his drink not only contained something from Judith but also other substances

added by someone else. These substances would cause him intense pain in a short amount of time.

Hearing his phone ring, he fumbled to pick it up.


His voice was hoarse, sounding weak. Then he heard her voice on the other end, "I think someone's

outside my room."

Ian jumped up immediately. But the moment he got off the bed, he felt like every cell in his body was in

pain, spinning his world.

Bracing himself, he didn't pass out. He opened the door and headed downstairs.

The corridor was empty.

His vision was blurry. He couldn't tell the room numbers clearly and had to squint to discern them.novelbin

When he reached Maja's door, he rapped on it lightly.

"Maja, it's me."

He waited for a response, but there was none from the other side, no footsteps approaching the door.


He called again, knocking on the door.

After a long moment, Maja's voice finally came from inside.

"It's fine now. I want to sleep. Let's talk tomorrow morning, Ian."

Ian lingered at the door for a while, lips twitching, "Alright, call me if you need anything."

He turned to leave, his fingertips shaking slightly. But his back was straight.

Inside the room, Maja was held at knife-point, her eyes wide as she stared at the man in front of her.

She had no idea how he'd followed her here, let alone know her room number.

The knife against her neck gleamed coldly in the dim light. The man smirked at her, his gaze wild.

He was nothing like the Patric she knew. The Patric she knew was gentle, his eyes always warm, his

voice soft.

But this man was a stark contrast to that image.

His hand tightened around her neck, and he leaned in, sniffing her neck.

"You smell good."

Maja felt violated, but she didn't dare say a word, the blade at her throat reminding her of the danger.

Patric trailed his knife from her neck to the buttons of her pajamas. With a flick of his wrist, one of the

buttons was undone.

She felt a surge of anger, her chest heaving. But he merely chuckled, "Last time wasn't satisfying

enough. You passed out. It was like being with a corpse."

Maja's face flushed with embarrassment, her fingers curling into fists at her sides.

Patric's demeanor was terrible, but he seemed to enjoy her reactions.

Just as he was about to undo another button, a knock came from the door. It was Ian again.

"Maja, I have something to tell you."

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