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Chapter 1032

If Carol were there, she might have had a chat with her on that topic. But she remembered a previous

conversation with Carol that left her feeling envious and resentful.

She rubbed her aching forehead.

Zoey, seeing her like that, thought that she might have a headache.

"Ms. Pennyfeather, maybe you should take a break. You've been looking at documents all day, and you

seemed tired last night."

When Maja heard that, she felt a bit strange and unconsciously glanced down at her own neck.

Although she tried to hide it, the faint traces were still visible. In the heat of summer, she couldn't wear

her collar too high.

But she quickly pulled her collar up a bit when she heard Zoey say that.

Zoey sighed, "Mr. Raymond really has a lot of energy."

And last night when Ian had called her, he seemed a bit angry. But it seemed like he'd calmed down at

that time.

Not only had he calmed down, but he also seemed completely appeased.

The marks weren't severe, they were light pink, indicating the man controlled his strength.

Maja put her hand down uncomfortably, saying, "He has had some free time recently, the new

executives at the Raymond Corporation are very capable."

After saying that, she got up and went back to her desk.

"Zoey, bring me dinner, please. I'll finish up these documents and then leave for the day."

She was starving. She had only eaten a little in the morning and hadn't had lunch. At that moment, she

felt as if her stomach was about to collapse.


After Zoey left, Maja's phone received several notifications. They were responses to the post she had

just made.

She drank a few more sips of coffee to wake herself up before checking the responses.

She had posted sincerely because she and Ian had only been together for a few days, and she was

already finding it hard to keep up with him.

She foresaw her future and felt like she'd be drained eventually.

However, the netizens didn't seem to see it that way.

[Can anyone tell me where to find a boyfriend who only thinks about doing it? I'm in desperate need

right now. I want to dump my current boyfriend. He lasts for one minute at most. I really want to cry, but

I feel too embarrassed to tell him.]

[I feel the same as the person above. I just broke up with my ex a few days ago. He really couldn't last,

but he was so confident, always asking me if I felt good. I don’t understand how men can be so

confident in this aspect. He couldn't even last two minutes, what right does he have to ask if I feel good

or not? I dumped him right away.]

[I envy you for at least having the opportunity to break up. My husband has always been like this, at

most three minutes. When I see other people saying their husbands are amazing, I wonder if it's true.

Oh, I regret it so much, but I don't dare to divorce him.]novelbin

[If the original poster doesn't want a boyfriend like this, could you please give him to me? I feel like

there are cobwebs down there!!]

When Maja saw the last comment, she almost spilled out her coffee.

She took out a tissue from the side to wipe her mouth, and when she refreshed the page, she saw that

there were a lot more comments like that. All of them were complaining about their boyfriends or


It was exactly like the last time she had posted.

Maja rubbed her temples. She sincerely wanted to know what to do and how to tackle that situation.

The thought of going back and being bothered by him made her legs feel weak and tremble.

But she had just started dating Ian, not even a week ago, and she really didn't have the guts to reveal

that to him.

After dinner, she worked overtime until 9 p.m. when her phone buzzed. It was a message from Ian.

["I'll be at Rosewood Manor tonight."]

Maja felt a pang in her lower back and quickly replied.

["Aren't you going to drink with Tyler and the others?"]

["No, I want to see you."]

She didn't know what to say to him.

After finishing the last few documents, she packed up her things and asked Zoey to drive her home.

But when she reached the main entrance of the building, she saw Ian's car already being parked there.

He had clearly been waiting for a while.

Maja felt a soft spot in her heart, but thinking about how he'd start touching her later, she walked to the

back seat and got in.

But she had made a severe miscalculation. That day, Jeff was driving, so Ian was seated at the back.

She was a bit upset. If she had known earlier, she would've gone to the passenger seat.

Seeing the annoyance on her face, Ian's expression darkened.

"Don't you want to see me?"

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