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Chapter 1015

Ian was capable of such deeds, indeed.

Fitch turned his head away, making a casual remark.

"Love is blinding, mate, and it'll make you lose your true self."

He'd never been in love; women were good for a romp in the hay, but they should never be treated as

precious gems.

On this matter, he and Tyler were in agreement. Tyler, however, treated his partners as equals, always

the gentleman, even in the bedroom.

On the other hand, Fitch despised women who were helpless and good for nothing but bed-warming.

Ian paid him no mind and took a few more minutes before replying to Maja's message,

[Sure, hit the hay. I'll come find you when I'm done here.]

Maja's lips curled up slightly at his message, but her smile faded as she caught sight of her reflection in

the rearview mirror.

The ambiguity of their relationship was intoxicating.

Ian felt a sweetness he'd never experienced before.

He placed his phone next to him, stealing glances at it every now and then, hoping for a new message

from Maja.

Fitch, however, furrowed his brows at this moment.

"Holden's signal has suddenly appeared in another country, far from North America. Are we being


How could he have moved so fast?

Ian sat up straight, putting his phone away.

"There must be a top-notch hacker over there, Fitch. You should head back."

Fitch had been spotted; lingering here would raise suspicion, and the Haskins family would end up

under surveillance.

Fitch stood up, tapping the documents in his hands on the table.

"I'll head back then. I'm starting to think these signals are a decoy to draw us out. Does Eric have

information about the chip?"

Fitch had been keeping a close watch on the chip situation back home.

Ian's eyebrows arched slightly, a faint smile curling up at the corners of his mouth.

"I'll have my people check out where the signal appeared, but I think you're right. He must have

information about the chip. That's why he lured us out of the country. Grandpa probably isn't with him.

He's managed to hide for so many years without being discovered, and he must have his own forces.

I'll go back with you."

As Ian spoke, his face became serious.

The unknown was always the most alarming.

Especially when the unknown was Eric, once the apple of everyone's eye.

Even as they flew back, Ian didn't forget to send Maja a message.

[Coming back on a flight soon.]

When Maja saw the message, her face fell.

Her bruises were too fresh to have faded.

If Ian had been away for a week, she could have found a way to hide the bruising.

But he would be back by tomorrow evening, and she was on pins and needles.

After a while, she thought of going to the hospital for cupping therapy to get rid of the marks!

But as she drove to the hospital, her hands gripping the steering wheel, a feeling of guilt welled up

within her.

This feeling was the worst.

Deep down, she felt there was a gap between her and Ian as if she had to stand on tiptoe to reach him.

Now, she had spent two nights with someone else, her first love, and she couldn't explain it.

If she didn't tell Ian, she would live with this guilt.

Given his nature, they would definitely have a falling out if she told him.

She was suddenly overwhelmed with pain, both physical and emotional.

In the end, she didn't go to the hospital.

She went back to work, although her mind was elsewhere.

The chip had been taken, and she still didn't know Patric's motives. The mere thought of his name filled

her with regret.

On the other hand, Alma had managed to drug Maja's drink with the help of a bribed waiter, confident

that her plan was foolproof. She had even hired a few thugs to capture Maja when the drug took effect.

But to her surprise, Maja had managed to escape right under her nose.

Alma was furious but also worried that Ian would return soon. So she hurriedly looked for another

opportunity to strike.

Then she heard about Judith and Ian.

She started praising Judith and Ian in every group she was in.

What a handsome man and beautiful woman, a match made in heaven.

[I saw them having dinner together the other day. Ian has never treated a woman so well.]novelbin

[When they were abroad, Ian was with Judith too. I saw it with my own eyes.]

[They must be getting married, probably soon.]

These were all rumors Alma spread in the groups.

Everyone had been speculating whether the woman in Ian's Facebook was Judith. Alma's rumor-

mongering had confirmed their suspicions.

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