Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 904
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Chapter 904

Chapter 904

She didn’t even have a chance to ask what was going on.

Coco was tearing through the rain like a mad dog, but he wasn’t headed for Rosewood Manor. He washeaded for Greenfield Gardens. Dogs seemed to have a sixth sense about people and their vibes.

After a long sprint, Coco was barking like mad at the gates of Greenfield Gardens. The security guardon duty was surprised to see him.

“Isn’t that Coco? What’s he doing out here?”

“I think Ms. Pennyfeather took him this morning.”

“Well, why’s he back then?”novelbin

“I don’t know. Just let him in.”

Ever since Maja had made a mess of Greenfield Gardens and got off scot–free, everyone had beentreading lightly around her. They didn’t dare snub her dog.

The gate was opened and Coco shot inside. He ran all the way to the grand hall of Greenfield Gardensand dashed through the French doors.

lan was pulling an all–nighter in his study. He looked up from his paperwork to see Coco. Coco wassoaking wet and left a trail of water behind him. lan’s expression hardened and he ordered a servant togive Coco a bath. Had the dog snuck over again? Maja was supposed to have taken him home. But nomatter how much the servant tried to coax Coco, the dog wouldn’t stop barking at lan. Ian was justabout to make himself another cup of coffee when the barking got on his nerves. The servant was

flustered, not wanting to be too forceful with the dog. “Sir, it seems like Coco might be spooked bysomething.”

lan frowned and asked for a pair of gloves. He patted Coco’s head a little, and Coco immediatelylatched onto his pant leg and started pulling.

lan observed Coco for a moment and then dialed Maja’s number. A man he didn’t recognize answeredthe phone. “What do you want with her?”

lan squinted, still gently patting Coco’s head.

“Who are you?” he asked, keeping his cool.

I’m a new actor at Star Movie Group. Mr. Pennyfeather is in a meeting right now. If it’s important, callback tomorrow.”

The man hung up.

lan glanced at the clock. It was seven in the evening. Maja had stormed out earlier in the day. Was shereally in the mood for a meeting? Coco started barking again.

lan yanked off his gloves and tossed them into a nearby trash can. “Jeff, find out where Maja is.”

Jeff nodded and immediately made a call.

lan got his coat and said, “Go to Rosewood Manor.” Jeff promptly brought the car around.

Coco hopped into the back seat like he always did, but lan ignored him, staring out the window instead.

When they were almost to Rosewood Manor, Coco started barking excitedly.

For a moment, lan thought Coco might have spotted Maja, but Coco was pointing toward the road thatled to the park. Ian frowned and got out of the car. Coco bounded out of the car and started runningdown the path.

lan had a bad feeling about this. He ordered Jeff to send some police dogs over. There might besomething wrong in the park.”

Coco was very smart, and he was as intelligent as a six–year–old child. He’d always been quick on hisfeet, so his behavior tonight likely meant he’d seen something. Given the breed’s natural energy andtraining from the people at Rosewood Manor, Coco could easily serve as a police dog.

lan followed Coco on foot, instructing Jeff to check on things at Rosewood Manor. Every so often, Cocowould pause to make sure lan was still following. lan was in good shape and had no trouble keepingup.

When they reached the top of the park, lan saw signs of a struggle. The grass was flattened and Cocowas sniffing the ground intently.

lan pushed aside some shrubs and saw blood that had been washed away by the rain. His heartpounded in his chest.

Coco sniffed the air, looking confused. The heavy rain was messing with his senses. He looked aroundas if trying to figure out where Maja had gone.

lan immediately dialed a number and ordered his people to start looking for Maja.

Suddenly, Coco took off running in a new direction. lan cocked his gun and followed. But there wasnothing there. Coco stopped and looked around, as if the trail had gone cold.

lan wiped the rain off his face and started shouting. “Maja!”

Every time he yelled, Coco barked. Clearly, he recognized the name and understood that it belonged tohis owner.

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