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Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Early the next moming Maga slathered on some foundation to hide the marks on her face, then headedoff to the studio

The studio was located in a commercial building, spread over two floors. She had a long–term part–time gig here. She didn’t have to punch in every day, but had to show up for the monthly wrap upmeetings Usually Maxwell was the first to arrive. but this time he was nowhere n sight. He didn’t showup until half an hour after the meeting started.novelbin

He was still in yesterday’s suit and looked like he was in a mad rush

Majas pen paused mid ar, she had a hunch something was off with Maxwell

‘Sorry for being late.” Maxwell said as he took his seat at the head of the table. He shot Maja anapologetic smile and noticed her worried look. The meeting went on as usual

Maja was planning to leave with everyone else, but when she saw Maxwell still sitting at the head ofthe table, she couldn’t help but ask, “What’s going on?” Lu’s family She “Maxwell said, rubbing hisforehead wearily

His voice was very hoarse it looked like he had been up all night. He moved his lips as he wanted tosay something but stopped himself,

Is it serious?” Maja asked.

Instead of answering, Maxwell was silent for a few minutes before saying, Tm considering selling thestudio, bull don’t know how to break it to everyone.”

Maja was shocked. The studio was in its development stage, why would he suddenly want to sell?Plus, Maxwell himself was loaded.


But the studio was his labor of love over the years, he wouldn’t think of selling it unless he had no otherchoke.

“How much are we short?” Maja asked.

“At least 20 million,” Maxwell said with a bitter smile, massaging his temples, “If only we could havelanded lan’s deal last night, but alas…”

try lan again, Maja said, picking up a nearby object, “Let’s not tell the others about this for now.”

Maxwell exhaled.

Don’t stress yourself if it doesn’t work out About my wife’s confrontation last night She’s emotionallyunstable right now. I apologize on her behalf.”

After leaving the meeting room, Maja decided to try her luck with the Raymond family. lan was there,and only by seeing him could she possibly make a deal Raymond Tower was located in the Greenfieldbusiness center. As one of the highest landmark buildings, it was hard to miss.

The wealth accumulated by the Raymond family has now reached an exaggerated level.

After checking in, Maja entered the lobby and went to the reception desk.

The receptionist, seeing Maja’s unfamiliar face, asked with a smile, “Hello, how can I help you?”

Td like to see Mr. Raymond, if he’s available.”

The receptionist’s smile faltered, she took in Maja from head to toe. Tm sony, but without anappointment, Mr. Raymond doesn’t see anyone

Maja was stumped and asked, “What if I want to discuss a business deal?”

“For business matters, please contact the Business Department. Any documents requiring Mr.Raymond’s signature will be forwarded to him for approval.”

The receptionist’s condescending look suggested she was just another woman trying to make it big offa man, waiting for fan’s office hours just i have a chance to talk to him:

There had been quite a few women like that over the past couple of days.

It was hard for Maja to explain, she couldn’t exactly say, “Actually, I’m his wife.

But waiting like this, who knows when she would get to see him. Does she really need to go back to theRaymond family?

While she was hesitating, her phone buzzed with a message from a stranger.

[Ms. Pennyfeather hello. I am Mr. Raymond’s personal attorney, I’ve come to your house twiceregarding the divorce agreement, but you haven been home. Are you available now?

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