Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 592
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Chapter 592

Chapter 592

Maja was sobbing in agony, and her body was shaking

But he was terribly rough


It hurt so much!

Such a disgrace.

Who the hell did this to her?

Was it Kurt Gallegos?

Or Carlos’s buddy?

That cheap cologne was definitely not lan’s style.

Her tears wet the cloth over her eyes.

But lan just turned her around, no longer looking at her face.

He didn’t let her go, even after she passed out.

For two whole days, she couldn’t eat, the torment was endless.

At first, she could cry, but finally, she just curled up, her muscles tensing whenever she sensed the manapproaching.

Everything was dark before her eyes; she had no idea how much time had passed.

Only when lan felt his anger subside did he let her go, never once lifting the cloth from her eyes.

Then he bathed her unconscious body and had her sent back to RosenGarden.

Maja woke up at 8 pm. She was burning up.

She opened her eyes to see the familiar ceiling, feeling like she was drowning. She turned over infright, fell off the bed, and nearly hurt herself.

Her phone was right next to her, displaying the date. Two days had passed.

She had been raped by a stranger for two days.

She had never touched his body, only been manipulated into various humiliating positions. She had noidea if he was tall or short, fat or slim.

She was shaking all over, barely able to hold her phone.

Half an hour later, she shakily dialed Carol.

Half an hour later, Carol was there.

Carol walked in, seeing Maja’s face covered in bruises, even her ears, and her pupils constrictinginstantly.


Maja broke into sobs, her legs gave out, and she collapsed on the floor, only daring to cry out loudwhen she saw a familiar face.

Carol was filled with dread.

“What happened?”

Maja’s lips trembled, and after a long while, she managed to get out a complete sentence.

“I was raped for two days.”

Carol’s hand froze. She thought she had misheard.

Maja cried for a while, then suddenly wiped away her tears and said, “I want to go to a hospital for acheck–up, preferably a private one.”

At a loss for words, Carol realized Maja was just putting on a brave front.

What had Maja gone through these two days?

She didn’t dare ask anything, instead, she took Maja to a private hospital where she knew a doctor.

She underwent several tests. Since the perpetrator was a stranger, no one knew if he had any sexuallytransmitted diseases. So, after such an incident, women typically rush to the hospital for a series oftests to rule out any possible STDs.

Early detection meant early treatment.

Maja sat in the hospital hallway, watching Carol bring over some birth control pills and a cup of water.

Without a second thought, she grabbed them, downed five pills in a row, and then started throwing up.

Carol quickly patted her back.

“You don’t have to take that many, one is enough.”

“I don’t want to be pregnant, I don’t want to…”

Her voice was still hoarse.

Carol noticed the obvious marks on her wrists.


She called out, her heart aching.


But Maja was pale with her forehead covered in cold sweat.

Her father had just passed away not long ago; there were still many problems in the company, and nowshe had to go through this. Anyone else might have already broken down.

But she just silently threw up.

Then her phone rang. It was Holden saying that they were to finalize the divorce at ten o’clock the nextmoming.

“Maja, did you hear that?”

Maja quickly wiped away her tears, forcing herself to respond calmly.

“I heard; I’ll be there tomorrow waiting for Mr. Raymond.”

Holden was silent for a minute, then sighed, “Is there really no hope left?”

Maja was in indescribable pain; she could only say, “Grandpa Holden, there’s no chance for usanymore.”

“Alright, I’ll let him know the time. You went alone to get the marriage certificate; for the divorce, youshould both go together. After all, we were once a family; don’t act like enemies.”

“I understand.”

After hanging up, she leaned against the cold wall, her eyes swollen from crying too much over thepast two days.

Even though she had left the place where she was raped, the pain was still there.

An hour later, the doctor came out with the news.

“There’s nothing wrong; you’re healthy.”novelbin

Only then did Maja relax a little, the tears falling again.

Carol hugged her, patting her gently. “Why don’t you rest at home tomorrow and finalize the divorce theday after?”

Maja shook her head. She had been waiting for this day for too long.

Carol took her to the entrance of RosenGarden. She wanted to accompany her, but Maja said, “I wantto be alone for a while.”

She didn’t go to Rosewood Manor, afraid that Maria would ask questions. She feared she couldn’tcontrol her emotions.

She walked slowly, still in pain somewhere.

Despite the fever reducer she had taken, she was still running a fever.

As she got out of the elevator and opened her door, she saw lan sitting on the sofa.

He was in a neat suit, looking relaxed. His wrist was bare, a cigarette between his fingers.

Seeing her return, he stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray

It seemed like he had been waiting for a long time.

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