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Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Maja was well aware that Kim was throwing shade at her, but she chose not to respond. Instead, shewalked over to her workspace and took a seat.

Kim, however, was far from pleased. If Maxwell had allowed her to connect with lan, she was certainshe could have secured the project. After all, lan’s agreement was primarily due to his friendship withMaxwell, and Maja herself played a relatively minor role.

In Kim’s eyes, Maja had stumbled upon a fortunate opportunity, and now everyone was making a fussabout it. She couldn’t help but feel a ticking bomb of resentment building up within her.

“Why do all good things happen to her? Kim muttered, feeling envious and frustrated.

Kim knew the interior design industry provided ample opportunities to mingle with the wealthy. Therehad been instances where people were caught having affairs with clients, much to the dismay of theirspouses. Kim’s first step was being attractive and aspiring to climb the social ladder, cozying up toMaxwell.

But so far, she hadn’t gained anything from it. She had set her sights on lan long ago and even invitedhim to her birthday celebration. However, Maxwell had informed her that he and lan needed to becloser for him to facilitate an introduction, and she should rely on her own skills.

If they weren’t close, how did Maja end up meeting lan? Kim had missed out on this opportunity, whileMaja had seized it and managed to establish a connection.

Everyone had been striving for the same goal, so why did Maja get to act all superior? It was sickening.

Kim’s words were clearly directed at Maja; naturally, Maja wouldn’t let it slide. She looked up andconfronted Kim, asking, “Are you talking about me?”

Kim huffed, “If I’m not talking about you, then who else could it be?”

Maja nodded and responded thoughtfully, “No one else has secured an order from lan“.novelbin

Every word uttered by Maja felt like a needle pricking Kim. She was furious. “Don’t get cocky! lanaccepted you only because of Maxwell. What does it have to do with you?!” Maxwell, who was standingnearby, frowned. He knew he didn’t play a significant role in Maja securing the project. It was her ownability that had impressed lan.

“Kim,” Maxwell intervened, not wanting the atmosphere in the studio to become tense. The studio wasgrowing, and he recognized that Kim had some talent. Feeling wronged, Kim’s eyes welled up withtears as she accused Maxwell, “Maxwell, I know you and Maja are college buddies, but you can’t playfavorites.” Kim’s statement resonated with others in the studio, and murmurs of agreement arose.

“I didn’t help with lan’s order. He doesn’t even remember me from high school. Maja earned it on herown,” Maxwell clarified, hoping to address the misunderstanding. The murmurs in the studio grew, filledwith disbelief. Wasn’t Maxwell supposed to defend Kim?.

Maja couldn’t bear seeing Maxwell in such a difficult position. He always strived to maintain a relaxedatmosphere in the studio, where everyone treated each other as partners.

Slowly standing up, Maja addressed the room. “If anyone has a problem with this, you can get to knowthe client’s preferences, submit your design to Maxwell, and he car pass it on to lan. As for who lanchooses, that’s entirely up to him.”

Her statement implied that she, too, would submit her design anonymously.

Maja calmly gazed at everyone in the room. “Anyone want to join?”

She knew that many individuals in the studio harbored resentment toward her. But she cared littleabout making friends or maintaining relationships because client satisfaction mattered most in thedesign industry. If they were unsatisfied, they could lose again..

Upon hearing Maja’s proposition, Kim lost her temper. She slammed her hand on the table andexclaimed, “Fine! If you’re so confident, let everyone submit their designs anonymously and let lanchoose. Do you think you’re all that? Everyone in this studio graduated from prestigious universities.Who do you think you are without Maxwell’s favor? lan wouldn’t even give you a second glance!”

Maja’s tone remained calm. “So, are you going to submit your design?”

Kim grew even more furious. She glanced at the others in the room. Everyone was aware of Maja’stalent. Her designs always won clients over, benefiting everyone in the studio. However, for theseseasoned professionals to benefit from a newcomer wasn’t an achievement to be proud of.

If they agreed to Maja’s proposal and lan still chose her, the embarrassment would be a hundred timesworse than it was now. They might even struggle to maintain their standing in the industry.

It was a gamble.

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