Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 347
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Chapter 347

Chapter 347

Maja returned to Rosewood Manor today, having not seen Coco for several days and wondering howthe surgery wound was healing. Upon seeing Maja, Maria’s eyes lit up.

“Ms. Pennyfeather, I just took Coco for a walk.”

Unsure when lan would return, Maria didn’t dare let Coco roam free, so the dog was kept in the largeroom at the back of the house.

When Maja walked in, Coco had already heard her footsteps and started barking excitedly.

Maja looked at Coco with sympathy, quickly squatting down to stroke the dog’s head.

She had wanted to take Coco to RosenGarden, but despite the improved relations with the neighborsthere, Rita was still living there and could cause trouble with a single complaint to the propertymanagement if Coco made any noise.

So Maja had to leave Coco at the manor.

After comforting Coco for half an hour, Maja took the dog for a walk in the garden.novelbin

At the hospital, both Cristina and Tricia had arrived. They assumed that Abram Pennyfeather andHattie Zimmer, who had visited in the moming, had already left but were angry to find the bodyguardsstill there.

They couldn’t wait any longer.

“Tricia, I’m going to check on Carter first. His injuries are severe.”

Tricia snorted coldly, full of contempt.

In spite of the awkwardness, Cristina was genuinely worried about Carter, who had been with her for somany years.

She rushed to Carter’s room, only to find it empty. Carter was gone, which startled Cristina, and sheimmediately asked the doctor.

“He was discharged three hours ago. We had advised him to rest more due to his severe injuries.”

Meanwhile, Carter was being escorted onto a ship by the receptionist of the Pennyfeather family’scompany, who had a relative in the overseas shipping business and could hide Carter among thecargo.

In other words, he was smuggling Carter.

This didn’t require any ID, so no one would know where Carter had gone.

Carter hadn’t expected her to be capable of this, so he gave her two hundred thousand dollars.

Before boarding the ship, Carter discarded all his contact information with a cold laugh.

He and Cristina had no love; he had only been after her wealth.

Over the years, Cristina had given him millions of dollars, and he had sold his house for a substantialsum. With ten million dollars, he could live comfortably abroad.

But with the five–hundred–million dollar deal with ByteWise Technologies, the Pennyfeather familywould have to pay a billion dollars in compensation.

Cristina was still looking for Carter, but his phone was unreachable.

ByteWise Technologies‘ boss called to inquire about the progress of the Pennyfeather family’s paintproduction. Their attitude had changed completely from when the contract was signed, and they were

downright arrogant.

Cristina began to worry, and then the Pennyfeather family’s company leaders called again..

Due to the company’s sudden demand for overtime work without a raise, the workers were on strike,and the situation could escalate.

The Pennyfeather family’s company was in chaos.

In just ten minutes, Cristina received eight calls about the worker strike.

Recently, Carter had been in charge of the company’s operations, and now his phone wasunreachable. Everyone was watching Cristina’s reaction and subtly inquiring about Neil’s health.

Cristina’s heartbeat quickened, and she anxiously tried to call Carter.

No answer.

Still no answer

She felt weak, and her lips began to tremble.

Seeing her like this, Tricia was very annoyed.

“What’s the matter?”

“Tricia, Carter is missing. Could this be related to his recent attack? Could he have been kidnapped?”

Tricia’s face was full of impatience, “Now is not the time to worry about Carter! Neil is about to wake up.Are we really going to be kicked out? Let’s deal with Neil first, then we can worry about Carter.”

But Cristina’s mind was filled with Carter.

Seeing this, Tricia took a bottle of poison and went to find the nurse responsible for changing Neil’smedicine.

The nurse was chatting with a colleague, holding a tray.

The medicine to be changed was on the tray.

Tricia stole a nurse’s uniform and approached the nurse.

“I’ll change Mr. Pennyfeather’s medicine today.”

The nurse looked up at her and said, “I’ve always been the one changing his medicine, and his familyspecifically asked not to change it.”

Tricia had already noticed the bottles of medicine in the nurse’s hand.

While talking to the nurse, she swapped one of the bottles with an identical one and told her, “Then yougo ahead.”

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