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Chapter 31

Chapter 31novelbin

“Dana as a matter of fact lan is married. Maja calmly responded, surprising Dana with her knowledge oflan’s marital status. This informatioh was known to only a few in high society, and even then, lans wifewas not held in high regard

Dana scoffed mockingly. You mean that woman who never shows her face? The Raymond’s don’t evenacknowledge her as Mrs Raymond. What kind of Mrs. Raymond is she?

Maja remained unperturbed by Dana’s remarks and replied, “Regardless, the fact that she is married tolan remains. Any woman trying to gain his attention should be morally condemned, don’t you think?”

Dana found it difficult to refute Majas argument and sneered, “Aren’t you just the same? Don’t think lanwill like you just because you’re pretty He’s been infatuated with my cousin for ten years”

“I don’t believe Mr. Raymond is that invested,” Maa retorted, but her response was interrupted by aman’s indifferent voice

“What kind of person should he be?”

Maja’s face changed as she realized that lan, who was supposed to be in a meeting, stood at theentrance. She fell somewhat embarrassed by the situation.

Dana however appeared delighted and approached lan, attempting to engage him in conversation.

“Mr Raymond, weren’t you going to a meeting?”

lan glanced at her casually and replied softly, Ms. Shepard is correct. I am married. You may want toadjust how you address me to avoid any misunderstandings with your cousin.” Dana lowered her gazeand replied softly, “I understand.”

lan gave Maja adeep look, adjusted his watch, and left the room,

Maja stood there, feeling regretful for potentially oflending a client. She sighed, picked up her bag fromthe floor, changed her clothes, grabbed her keys, and headed straight to Greenfield Gardens.

Maja retumed to her car after touring Greenfield Gardens and surveying the surrounding environment.Although she had memorized the floor plan and the designs of the other gardens, she still had no ideaabout lan’s preferences. He was an enigma and she struggled to understand his hobbies.

Passing by amall Maja remembered that it was Tricia’s birthday, so she decided to stop and find abirthday gift for her. However as she entered the diamond necklace section, she unexpectedly ran intoRyan.

Ryan was arguing with a beautiful woman, who eventually angrily slapped him. Maja felt regretful forwaking in at such an awkward moment.

Ryan noticed Maja and greeted her “Penny, didn’t expect to see you here. Are you shopping?”

Feeling awkward, Maja greeted him in return, “Mr. Elston.”

Despite the mark from the slap still visible on his face, Ryan seemed unfazed and spoke with thecarefme demeanor of a young man, I heard you landed my cousin’s project. Congratulations.”

Maja said, “I have you to thank for recommending me.”

Ryan scratched his head casually. “No big deal just doing my part

Maja insisted, “It may be a small thing to you, Mr Elston, but it means a lot to me. Let me treat you to ameal..

“No need for that. If you really want to help me, I have a favor to ask right now.”

Maja inquired, “What is it?”

Ryan sighed in distress. “You saw it. My girlfriend just broke up with me. I need you to be my dale tomeet someone. You don’t know her, so just pretend to be my girlfriend. It will only take half an hour ofyour time.”. Feeling indebted to Ryan for his assistance, Maja reluctantly agreed, “Alright.”

Appreciative of her consent, Ryan picked up a necklace from the display and handed it to her, saying,“Consider this, a token of appreciation

Maja wanted to decline, but Ryan said, “As long as you help me resolve this situation, I’ll continuerecommending projects to your studio in the future.”

Maja found it difficult to refuse under those circumstances.

As they arrived at the restaurant, Maja soon realized that the person Ryan wanted her to meet waslan’s aunt, Maureen Raymond,

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