Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 301
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Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Glenn’s mouth was full of the taste of blood, his body heating up at the thought of Maja’s face and herfigure.

But he couldn’t respond to any of it, the burning sensation contrasting sharply with the dead silence ofhis body.

He yelled in anger, knocking everything off the table.

He was in the Pennyfeather family’s villa, and Tricia Pennyfeather heard the commotion and came in.

“Are you okay?”

Glenn sneered, his eyes cold.

“I must have Maja; I will humiliate her to death by any means necessary! Only then can I vent myanger!”

A glint of light flashed in Tricia’s eyes, he wanted Maja, and she wanted lan. They could definitelycooperate.

“You could start by creating misunderstandings with Maja. I let you find the Shepard family’sbodyguards to deal with her to make her think it was Carlene’s doing. Once she gets hurt and goes tolan for help, lan definitely won’t stand by her and might even feel that Carlene is the wronged party. Inhis anger, he might even divorce Maja right away.”

Tricia spoke gently, slowly picking up the things on the floor and dusting them off.

“Once she’s divorced and with Neil in the hospital, no one will help her even if your tactics areexposed.”

Tricia’s suggestion was purely for her own selfish reasons. She wanted lan to divorce Maja as soon aspossible!

Even if this would benefit Carlene temporarily, it didn’t matter. She would deal with Carlene once shetook down Maja.

She would never forget the humiliation Carlene had given her last time.

Let Carlene and Maja fight for now; no matter who wins or loses, it benefits her.

Glenn didn’t say anything, just stood there coldly. Then, he started laughing.

“Tricia, you’re getting smarter and smarter.”

“I’m just looking out for our interests.”


After Maja helped Connie modify her painting, she noticed Connie on the phone.

She then realized that Connie’s driver had left.

Connie came over, sounding very happy.

“Penny, are you busy tonight or tomorrow morning?”

After a moment of thought, Maja realized that she was not busy. With Neil in the hospital and theconstruction at Greenfield Gardens going smoothly, she needed to pick up Coco as planned tomorrowafternoon. So she sid, “No. I will be free then.”

Connie clapped her hands, “Great!”

In between words, she happily hooked her arm around Maja’s and said, “I must treat you to a feasttonight!”

She packed up her drawing board while pulling Maja towards the roadside.

“I promise you’ve never tasted anything like it.”

Just as Maja was about to decline, a familiar car stopped in front of them; it was lan’s

She immediately tensed up..

-Connie opened the car door and pushed her in.

“lan, I hope you don’t mind that I brought Penny along. She just helped me modify my painting, and Ithought I’d take her out for a nice meal.”

Maja was already pushed in. She realized that leaving at this moment would seem too deliberate.

lan sat across from her, their knees almost touching.

She felt a bit uncomfortable and wanted to move away, but the space in the car was limited, and hermoyement only brought their knees closer together.

Connie didn’t notice the awkward atmosphere and closed the car door.

“Penny, I just told you lan was busy, then I got a message that Mia Haskins is throwing a party at thehot spring villa on the hillside. She’s all about the grandeur, and every year she hires internationallyrenowned chefs to cook on site. Mia might not be the best person, but her parties, are truly lavish. Thelobsters served at the party are air–flown in, very fresh. And don’t worry, the party is run by her brother,

Fitch Haskins, and lan will be there too. We can go together. The stars tonight are beautiful, we canstay on the mountain overnight and come down tomorrow. I can continue sketching, and you can helpme modify the painting, okay?”

Maja felt awkward, regretting answering Connie’s question about whether she was free too quickly. Shecouldn’t even make up an


Moreover, she could feel the heat from lan’s body through their knees, feeling sandwiched from bothsides.

She glanced at lan closing his file, his slender hand resting on top of it.

He asked, “Is that neighbor who’s always renovating still there in RosenGarden?”

His eyes were as brilliant as the stars; he looked stunning.

No matter when or where, lan’s appearance always left people in awe.

Maja, as a painter, was very fond of such a face. Each part of it was perfect beyond criticism.


She didn’t recall the renovating neighbor.

lan smiled, breaking the awkward atmosphere between them.

“You said there’s a neighbor who’s renovating, and it’s noisy, right?”

Only then did Maja remember casually complaining to lan about it when Leah came to cause troublebefore. She didn’t expect him to remember it.

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