Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1747
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Chapter 1747

When Maja woke up the next morning, the other side of the bed was empty.

After freshening up, she headed downstairs and found Ian in the kitchen, observing the chefprepare breakfast.

The chef was explaining, "Mr. Raymond, you see, food like this, too cooling for the system, issomething Ms. Pennyfeather should avoid."

Ian nodded, and as he emerged from the kitchen, his gaze met hers.

Maja smiled and continued down the stairs with a spring in her step.

"You're up early. What's the deal?"

"Just couldn't sleep."

Settling on the couch, she overheard him say, "Abner is coming to Greenfield soon, and I owe him adinner."

Abner had been a big help to him overseas.

The Oakford situation was diffused quickly thanks to him; otherwise, Ian might have overstayed hiswelcome with Queena.

A debt of gratitude needs to be repaid.

After breakfast, they headed to the hospital.

Ian intended to assist her with the registration, but a nurse shooed him away, pointing to a nearbysign.

Certain areas were off-limits to men, boldly stating — Men Stop Here.

The other expectant mothers glanced over, and for the first time in his life, Ian felt a twinge ofembarrassment.

Maja chuckled, "Sorry, he's just a bit anxious."

The tension broke, and laughter spread among those present.

Ian was ushered to a different area to wait.

The check-up took two hours, and Ian was quick to offer his arm for support afterward.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine, the doctor didn't mention any concerns. Some results will be ready tomorrow."

Ian nodded, relieved.

They were about to take the elevator when they spotted Abner's car.novelbin

Ian had mentioned Abner's imminent visit, but didn't expect him so soon.

Abner's distinctive profile was hard to miss, his chin propped in his hand, quietly observingsomething in the distance.

There was a woman, clad softly, with long hair and a hat, her features obscured by a scarf, laughingwith someone beside her.

It was a look Ian recognized from their time together at sea, possibly while Abner was replying to amessage from a certain Ms. Dorothy.

Absorbed in his observation, Abner didn't notice Ian and Maja.

As the woman prepared to leave, Abner's car window closed, and he began to follow at a distance.

Ian rubbed his eyes exaggeratedly, "Who's this stalker?"

Maja found it funny, having heard tales of Abner's eccentricities. Wasn't he supposed to be as wildas Omar? Yet, there he was, seeming almost foolish.



"You owe Abner a favor, right? Find out who she is."

"All I know is her last name is Dorothy. You want me to play matchmaker? Are you sure?"

After all, he had lost his own wife due to his actions; how could he possibly assist Abner in romancewithout cursing him to the same fate?

Maja genuinely appreciated Abner, despite Greenfield's opinion of him. To repay a favor, one mustbe strategic.

She massaged her temples, realizing she couldn't rely on Ian for this.

"I'll go."

"Maja, stop fussing. You're pregnant. Besides, what does Abner's marital status have to do withme?"

As long as he had his own wife, that was what mattered.

Ian squeezed her hand lightly, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"I didn't even exert any pressure, why are you yelling?"

Sighing, she added, "I'm just making contact, gathering info. I won't intervene if it's not feasible."

"Alright, I'll have Jeff look into it."

Ian made a call, and by that afternoon, Jeff had gathered all the necessary information.

Shirley, a college English teacher, came from a family of educators. Her father was a headmasterand her mother taught middle school.

Her family was comfortably middle-class. Shirley had a former fiancé who had broken off theirengagement, and she remained single.

Moreover, Shirley was thirty, six years older than Abner.

Maja frowned at the report. Anyway, the two seemed mismatched.

Ian explained, "When Abner was born, a fortune teller called him a 'born to be lonely' boy destinedto bring death to those around him, which led to him being sold to a rural village by servants of theOlson family. Shirley had joined a program to support children in remote areas, and somehow, sheended up driving to the village and brought Abner back home herself. It seems her fiancé left herover this."

So, was Abner secretly harboring feelings for Shirley?

Was she aware of it?

A man as wild as Abner, playing the game of unrequited love?

With nothing else pressing, Maja's curiosity blazed to life.

Seeing the spark in her eyes, Ian sighed.

"You're pregnant. Can't you just stay home and rest?"

"I'm just going to meet this person, and while I'm at it, I'll repay the favor you owe."

"No, I owe Abner. I'll sort it out by giving him some business deals."

"Just give me a week. If there's no progress, I'll come straight home. Deal?"

Ian, considering his own health issues he wanted to keep from her and her persistence, eventuallynodded, ruffling her hair gently.

"Safety first."

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