Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1742
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Chapter 1742

As the nurse passing by caught the scene and hurried over, attempting to defuse the escalatingsituation, Listina lashed out with fists and feet, her gaze locking onto Carol with the venom of aviper.

Carol felt a chill crawl up her spine at that piercing stare. Her lips pressed as she glanced at herown bleeding arm. This woman was truly unhinged, to mark her so deliberately.

"Carol, you wench! What are you so smug about? What are you flaunting? Felix is mine, you hearme? Mine! We've known each other for years, and I know him better than anyone. Just you wait,you'll get what's coming to you!"

Carol felt her own anger boiling over, her cheeks flushing red.

"Do you even realize the surgeon who operated on you was hired by me? The copay for yoursurgery was covered by me. Even just for those two things, you ought to show some gratitude."

"What? Did I beg you for help? Or are you just playing the martyr? You deserve everything you get.I won't thank you. You owe me, and let me tell you, one day you'll be paying me a whole lot more.The Millers are all the same; not a decent one among you!"

With that, Carol's hand swung out, connecting with a sharp slap to Listina's face.

Listina's pupils contracted in disbelief as she touched her cheek, "You dared to hit me?"novelbin

Carol's chest heaved with her rapid breaths, her mouth a tight line, "Yes, I hit you. Watch yourmouth!"

"You hit me. I'm calling Felix right now. He needs to see just how vile you are!"

She called Felix right away; before it got through, she gazed at Carol with a smug look.

"Oh, Carol, educated Ms. Miller, too bad you're just a fool in my eyes. You just wait and watch asyou ruin everything the Miller family ever had."

Before her voice trailed off, her call connected; she put Felix on speakerphone on purpose.

"Felix, it's me, Listina. Carol hit me; you need to come to the hospital right now. She's gone mad.Felix, I want to see you."


"Yes, it’s me, Felix. Come quickly."


The line went dead. Carol stood frozen, feeling a cold wave wash over her as something flickeredthrough her mind, elusive and uncatchable.

Felix arrived fast; to be precise, he came here with alarming speed, less than twenty minutes,suggesting he'd been on his way even before Listina's call.

He stepped out of the elevator to find Listina and Carol still at odds, surrounded by a gaggle ofnurses who had gathered to watch the drama. His brow furrowed, voice a bit grim, "What's going onhere?"

Listina flung herself into his arms, clutching at his waist, "I just said a few words, and she slappedme, Felix. Look at my swollen face. I didn't mean it, but how could she hit someone?"

The swelling on Listina's face was evident, proof of Carol's force. But since Listina had started it bytugging on Carol's clothes, Carol's face remained untouched, making Listina look even moredisheveled.

Seeing Listina in Felix's embrace made Carol uncomfortable. Even if they were cousins, theircloseness seemed excessive.

Felix didn't push Listina away; instead, he turned his gaze to Carol, "Anything you want to say?"

His accusatory tone left Carol momentarily speechless. Anger quickly filled her thoughts, and shescoffed, "Why bother saying anything? She deserved it for her nasty mouth. Had you not shown up,I might have given her a few more."

"Felix, look at her attitude. I’ve already said that I didn’t mean it. I apologized, and she's still beinglike this."

Carol grew even more infuriated, her voice laced with sarcasm, "You two embracing like that,anyone would think you're a couple."

Felix was her boyfriend, yet here he stood, holding another woman in his arms.

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