Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1685
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Chapter 1685

Maja's eyes suddenly brimmed with tears as she placed Beck's hand against her cheek without uttering a word.

Beck, feeling even more guilty, cleared his throat awkwardly, "I'll take care of this for you, don't worry about Queena. As long aslan pulls through, that's what matters, right?"

The more he spoke, the less convinced he sounded.

There were two reasons for his unease, firstly, he had concealed the fact that lan was still alive, and secondly, he had let Queenaget away.

lan had been laid up for another whole day.

When he awoke, the room was bathed in sunlight.

Turning his head, he saw Maja lying beside him.

Maja was sleeping soundly, her hand tightly clutching his.

They were in the master bedroom of Greenfield Gardens, a place he knew all too well.

Awave of tenderness washed over him, and he felt little desire to get out of bed.

He tried to pull his hand free, but Maja’s grip was firm, and her eyes were still red, likely from crying.

His heart ached with a mixture of pain and tenderness as he drew closer, enveloping her entirely in his embrace.When Maja woke with a start, her immediate concern was to check on lan's health.

"I'm really okay," he insisted.

But Maja wouldn't hear of it and proceeded to give him a thorough examination right there on the bed.

His injuries had mostly healed, but the issue of being poisoned was something that wouldn't resolve anytime soon.

lan looked fine on the surface, but he was biting the inside of his cheek to carry on a normal conversation, the itch in his bonesbeing an excruciating torment, soon causing a thin sheen of sweat to form on his forehead.

He got up and, with a soothing rub on Maja's head, headed into the bathroom for a shower.His whole body was clamoring for something, a craving that was hard to ignore.

If it hadn't been for Beck revealing the truth, he would never have believed someone could be crazy enough to use her ownblood to make the poison.

After the shower, he splashed his face with cold water and took a deep breath. When he stepped out, he appeared as serene asa clear sky after a storm.

That evening, a few of lan's friends arrived at Greenfield Gardens.

The place had been given a festive makeover, ostensibly to welcome Christmas.

The sight of it had lifted Maja's spirits, and she was bustling around, ignoring lan's attempts to slow her down.

When Fitch and the others showed up bearing gifts, they were greeted by the festive decoration.

Once inside, they found the house warmly adorned with ornaments.

Tyler and Fitch arrived together, each carrying gifts.

After a moment's hesitation, Tyler blurted out, "Should | say congratulations on your wedding?"

The decorations were indeed very festive.

He and Fitch strode forward, casting a quick glance at lan to make sure he was alright before starting their playful banter.“Hey, what did | tell you? The guy's got nine lives; he's not going down that easy."

Maja had also invited a few artists from her company and had sent a text to Carol, though she doubted Carol would make it,having heard that Felix was keeping a tight leash on her.

The coffee table was laden with drinks, desserts, and even jewelry mystery boxes for a raffle.

Greenfield Gardens hadn't been this lively in a long time, and Maja, holding a plate of fruit, stayed close to lan, occasionallyfeeding him a piece.

Tyler shook his head, indicating he couldn't bear to watch.“Are you two planning on setting a wedding date soon or what?"

That had been on Ian's mind since he woke up, but with Maja's pregnancy showing, he was worried she wouldn't feel beautiful ina wedding dress.

So he looked at Maja, letting her decide.

Touching her belly, Maja sighed.

"We'll probably wait until after the

baby is born. My belly's galy gaingitot bi and naontwant to wear adding dress like that." Please read

the original content at


As soon as she finished speaking, the doorbell rang.

Jeff went to open the door, and to everyone's surprise, Carol walked in.

Her arms were laden with gifts, and her eyes lit up when she saw Maja.

“Congratulations! These are for the baby."

The gifts were an assortment of baby clothes for all seasons, thoroughly prepared.

Carol handed the gifts to a servant and strode over to Maja for a tight hug.

Then she turned to lan with a slight twist of her lips, her next words coming out a bit begrudgingly."Congrats, Mr. Raymond. Looks like you're getting back with your ex."

That was a classic case of bringing

up a sore subject, and gous

ain gorstors Cid i want toeh e mood on such a happyevening. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Carol was obviously in a foul mood,what with the gossipmongers inindustry likely bering etield SePwithNfaje’prerHarital pregnancy, not tomention the whole Zoey debaclemaking her irritated with all the menin this room. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

After delivering her gifts, Carol squeezed in beside Tyler.

Knowing Carol was going through a rough patch, he quickly poured her a drink."Congrats on your release, too. Can't believe Mr. Brown actually let you go," he said.That comment made Carol's expression darken.novelbin

The rest of the group shot Tyler a look, silently acknowledging that he was still the master of backhanded compliments.

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