Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1584
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Chapter 1584

Rain continued to patter against the pavement outside as the car came to a standstill.

The silence within the vehicle was palpable, and Carol knew all too well that her pleas had yet to satisfy


Her fingernails dug deep into her palms as she lifted her gaze, a strained smile playing on her lips.

"Mr. Brown, shall I get down on my knees for you?"

Her words were laced with jest, yet they sent a shiver through Felix's eyelashes.

Their eyes clashed for the first time in over a month, the sole moment of direct contact in a sea of

deliberate avoidance.

At all other times, Carol's gaze never lingered on him.

"You're welcome to try," he dared her.

Carol remained silent, keenly aware of Felix's machinations. The depths of his cunning were profoundly


Bending her knees, she was ready to kneel without hesitation when he abruptly grasped her wrist.

"Carol, where's your pride?" he taunted.

A genuine laugh burst forth from her, so close to tears it nearly broke her.

"Mr. Brown, what a thing to say. It's not like I've never knelt before."

Felix didn't respond, an irritable mood taking hold as he turned to the driver.

"Go check outside."

Sweat had already soaked through the driver's shirt. Whenever these two were together, the

atmosphere turned oppressively somber, thick with tension.

He'd longed to escape this suffocating space but opportunities were scarce.

Now, with his chance at hand, he flung the car door open and darted towards the person lying in the


After assessing the woman's injuries, he rushed back.

"Mr. Brown, there's a woman outside, hurt pretty bad. She needs to get to the hospital, now."

"Call an ambulance for her. Have someone stay with her," Felix commanded.

In the dim light, the driver hadn't recognized Zoey's face. Otherwise, he wouldn't have failed to identify


"Right away, Mr. Brown."

Felix turned back to Carol. "Satisfied?"

Carol didn't bother to reply. There was little else she could do. She couldn't even save herself.

She simply shut her eyes, adopting an 'out of sight, out of mind' stance.

Zoey was taken to the hospital, and for the duration, her phone, switched off, rang unanswered with

calls from Star Movie Group.

Two days later, Zoey awoke in her hospital bed to find Elvis and Wilma standing by her side.

The door swung open as Cornelia hurried in.

Both Cornelia and Wilma were now A-list celebrities, their mere presence in a hospital enough to cause


Zoey intended to tell them to leave, but her throat was bandaged tightly, muffling her voice to silence.

Wilma, the youngest, rubbed her eyes, red-rimmed and teary.

"Zoey, oh my God, what happened to you? Do you have any idea? You were in critical condition for

thirty hours. The doctors said it was a close call."

Her body shook with sobs, a wave of delayed terror washing over her.

Zoey had many questions, yet she was unable to voice a single one.

Cornelia stepped forward, taking her hand.

"I was terrified when I heard. I rushed back overnight, got leave from the director. Don't worry, I'll head

back by evening."

Zoey blinked to signal her understanding.

The trio's presence brought her a sense of comfort she hadn't felt in a long time.

Since Maja's departure, they had been like best friends, safeguarding the interests within the company.

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Recently, Star Movie Group had signed several new talents, and the initial few, including Shawn, had

risen to stardom.

Their loyalty to the company went beyond mere sentiment.

Zoey blinked again, acknowledging the advice.

Finally, Elvis spoke up.

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