Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1576
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Chapter 1576

The scandal was blowing up, trending like wildfire across social media.

Wendy couldn't contain her glee as she scrolled through the vitriolic comments about Zoey. She had

her people reach out to the woman Belinda had berated that night. Handing over a hefty sum of few

hundred grand, she encouraged her to spill the beans about Belinda's misdeeds online.

At this point, Zoey was already caught in a maelstrom of controversy, and netizens were digging up all

they could about her. The woman didn't hesitate to agree, and what she leaked was damning - a video

of Belinda hurling insults at a bar.

The tirade was vicious.

Wendy had secured the video through her connections - no ordinary person could have gotten their

hands on it. The extent of Belinda's verbal assault had been witnessed by many.

In the footage, Belinda's face was twisted with rage, resembling a woman completely devoid of class.

The girl on the receiving end was in tears throughout the ordeal.

Now with the girl coming forward and further revelations about Zoey's stepfather's affair with a younger

woman, and his subsequent jail time, the internet exploded.

Users were seething, their anger directed overwhelmingly at Zoey, while Arthur became an


Even Yvonne, who had hoped to ride the wave of controversy, found herself overshadowed by the new

revelations. Her live stream, once buzzing with over a million viewers, saw a drastic drop in numbers,novelbin

leaving her with a sour expression.

Remembering the higher-ups' advice, she quickly checked the trending topics before engaging the

remaining fans in her live stream with casual gossip.

"I knew her, and let me tell you, her reputation isn't the best. But let's keep this chat between us, okay?

Don't spread it around. She once tried to hook up with some big shot, but he wasn't into her. After

rejecting her multiple times, he had to block her because she kept sending him all these desperate

texts. Now, whenever he sees her at events, he gives her the cold shoulder - doesn't give her the time

of day.

Did she ever manage to snag him? Well, obviously, or he wouldn't be so pissed, right? But I can't

reveal who he is - let's just say he's a major player. And even though she's got connections to the Star

Movie Group, he hasn't made a move against her. She actually thinks he's got a soft spot for her, which

is why she keeps throwing herself at him.

I've never seen someone so shameless, but this isn't really a secret - everyone in the circle knows

about it. Her family's just like what you see trending - her mom's antics are out there for all to see. What

good can come from such a shrew?"

As she dished out the dirt, her viewership shot up by five hundred thousand. A sweet smile graced her

lips, "We shouldn't talk about this stuff outside of here. After all, she's still got some pull in high places.

I'd be devastated if I got blacklisted. And regarding the stuff that's trending, well, that's just my bad luck

for not having any clout."

With that, she bowed her head, her shoulders shaking. It looked like she was crying, but in reality, she

was texting John.

[John, did you catch all that? Are you pleased?]

Yvonne's eyes gleamed with ambition as she continued her tirade, seemingly determined to drag Zoey

through the mud. Reаd at Dramąnоvеls.coм

Tyler, an industry insider himself, had been following the unfolding drama with interest. Scanning

through the trending topics, he then started checking her live stream, which was still on.

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