Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1569
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Chapter 1569

Eyes bore into her like she was a piece of meat on display at a butcher's shop. There was a moment of

deafening silence before Wendy feigned surprise, her hand dramatically covering her mouth.

"What in the world is happening with this lady? How did she even get in here? Someone, please, shownovelbin

her the door, pronto!"

However, Tyler glanced her way at that moment, and it was clear that under normal circumstances,

Belinda had no business being in this bar. Wendy must have pulled some strings.

Wendy's original plan was to make Belinda embarrass herself in front of Fitch, but Zoey's arrival was a

welcome bonus, hitting two birds with one stone.

Security was already dragging Belinda out, but she kept hurling insults.

"Let go of me! I’ll take down that tramp! TRAMP! She's nothing but a bitch!"

Such vulgarity was too much for the refined ears of the crowd, and faces crinkled in distaste. This was

when Wendy saw her chance to question deliberately.

"Oh, Zoey, your mother is being tossed out. Aren't you going to check on her? Maybe teach her some

manners? We’re all women and yet she speaks that way; makes one question her upbringing."

Zoey’s body shook, her eyes involuntarily searching for Fitch. She couldn't help herself; she had to look

at him.

Fitch frowned at this moment - whether at Zoey's predicament or Belinda's words, it was unclear.

Zoey didn't dare hope for anything as she clutched her purse tightly, her fingers brushing the slap mark

on her cheek.

Anybody with half an eye could tell her face was swollen, but in Fitch's eyes, it might well have been

the work of her own mother. Considering their rocky relationship and her mother's fiery temperament,

hitting her own daughter seemed within the realm of possibility.

He would never suspect his own sister.

Zoey heard Mia let out constant chuckles, "Zoey, you see? This isn't the place for you or your mom.

Sometimes, you just have to know your station."

But Wendy, ever the peacemaker, interjected, "Mia, that's enough. Zoey's already had a tough night.

Let's just get her a ride home."

Wendy's face was the picture of compassion, the quintessential lady of an influential family. Zoey, on

the other hand, stood in the shadows, looking every bit the court jester.

The crowd murmured, but none came to judge them. Only Tyler frowned, sensing perhaps that Fitch

might live to regret someday.

Fitch wasn't one to get close to women easily. Even though he agreed to meet Wendy tonight, they had

maintained a polite distance throughout.

Zoey was his first, the only woman he'd ever let in, and that meant something. Tyler's gaze followed

Fitch, only to catch his retreating back. Fitch had found the whole scene tedious and already headed


As he passed Zoey, he paused. Zoey's heart skipped a beat, only to hear his dismissal, "What a mess."

It felt like a sword through her heart, causing her almost bending down for unbearable pain, but she

couldn't deny it; she was indeed a mess tonight.

She turned her head away, refusing to let the mind wander. While Wendy quickly followed Fitch, but not

before giving Zoey a small, pitying smile that stung more than outright scorn.

"Tyler, can we talk?"

Fitch was nearly out the door when he saw Zoey stepping up to Tyler. He couldn't help but pause and

look back.

"Zoey, what's your game? You can't snag my brother, so now you're setting your sights on Tyler? That’s

low, even for you." New chapter avаilable oո Drаmа

Zoey's voice was steady, "I need to discuss something important with Tyler."

With that, Mia huffed and stormed off after Fitch.

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