Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1536
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Chapter 1536

Summer placed his glass down and headed downstairs.

Christ was not particularly tall, standing around 5’9”, with a physique that leaned towards stocky.

Upon seeing Summer come down, a flicker of concern crossed his face.

"Summer, where did you get that Jellyfish Seal? Have you seen that girl Cynthia?"

Christ and the Grand Elder were among the senior members of the organization; they had watched

Cynthia grow up.

They had taught Cynthia the art of hypnosis, but she had surpassed them, becoming more skilled than

her teachers.

Summer was sought out by Christ because, although Summer had a strong presence within the

organization, he rarely meddled in its affairs.

In recent years, it had been K, the young upstart, who had been openly commanding others.

After Cynthia’s disappearance, K, still at a young age back then, had already mastered the art of

winning people over.

Over the years, even without the Jellyfish Seal, everyone except the Grand Elder and Christ had come

to heed his word.

Only Summer remained neutral, but now that he had suddenly sided with K, Christ wanted to know

what was happening.

Christ was oblivious to the fact that Summer was the mastermind behind Forbidden Island, and

unaware of Summer’s cold-hearted nature.

"How's Cynthia been all these years? Why hasn't she come back? Summer, where is she now?"

Christ no longer possessed his former vigor; both he and the Grand Elder had been waiting for

Cynthia’s return.

Cynthia was the Holy Daughter of BK; she should be honored. How could she be a solitary existence?

Summer found his worried look amusing.

Once upon a time, the sight of Christ's worried expressions would have sent him rushing to Cynthia's

side, to torment her relentlessly.

He found delight in having deceived everyone; to a degree, he identified with K.

K also enjoyed manipulating others, showing cunning beyond his years.

He had harbored resentment for a piece of advice from Cynthia for years.

Summer smiled, his face amiable and warm.novelbin

To an outsider unaware of her true nature, seeing his smile would make them think he was a kind


But beneath the facade, he was beastly at heart.

"I haven’t seen Cynthia. I accidentally obtained the Jellyfish Seal during a trip in Windhelm. That even

surprised me."

The light in Christ’s eyes vanished as he sighed, "Then, I implore you, persuade the others. We need to

release the Grand Elder."

Christ was 70 years old this year, and the Grand Elder was five years his senior. The old man could

endure no further suffering.

Summer’s smile remained soothing as he spoke.

"I have no say in this, Christ. You know I don't have much sway in BK. K is the leader now, and he's

taken the Jellyfish Seal."

"You! Why would you hand the seal to such a ruthless man?"

"Christ, I'm a member of the organization. I simply want to see it thrive. K has done well these past

years. I always stand by principles, not personalities."

Christ coughed, "With the seal, he's the undisputed leader. He has the right to punish the Grand Elder

openly now, and the old man won't survive it."

Summer sneered internally – if the old man couldn't survive, it was his own damn fault!

Christ was about to say more when his phone rang.

"Christ! The Grand Elder’s back, but his injuries are severe."

Christ could no longer remain still and rushed back.

"Grand Elder!"

He called out, only to see the Grand Elder staring blankly at the ceiling before whispering,

"Give this to Cynthia."

Taking it out now likely signified he knew his time was short.

"Grand Elder!" Coոtent of Drаmаոovels.cоm

Christ supported him, speaking urgently, "Didn’t Summer bring back the Jellyfish Seal? We’ll hear from

Cynthia soon."

The Grand Elder gazed at the sky, clutching the bamboo dragonfly, trying to smile but unable to say


His hand, covered in blood, stretched halfway and then limply fell.

"Grand Elder!"

Christ called out again, but this time, there was no response.

Everyone around bowed their heads, knowing full well that the Grand Elder was gone.

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