Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1500
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Chapter 1500

Ian was a man who preferred to keep to himself, as he was wary of the risks that came with too many

connections. Yet, after witnessing Quentin's skill in concealing identities, he swiftly changed his mind.

Since his people had infiltrated the island, the actions would be much smoother from here on.

At the dinner table, neither he nor his companion touched their food. They just sat for half an hour

before a servant came to show them to their respective rooms for some rest.

Timothy and Ralap had hoped to have a further chat with Quentin, but he brushed them off by claiming


As Ian passed by Maja's room, he glanced inside. The window had been reinforced, with the curtains

drawn shut. Nothing was visible.

After spending a short while in his own room, he heard the sounds of celebration outside – the clanging

of bells and the beating of drums. Soon enough, there was a knock on his door.

Opening it, he found a servant holding a tray of celebratory sweets.

"Sir, there's a joyous occasion in the house, and the master invites you all to partake in these sweets."

"What's the occasion?"

"Mr. Patric is getting married."

Married? To whom?

Was it to one of the eligible Bradshaw women?

But it was hard to believe Patric, with his nature, would settle his lifelong affairs so hastily, on an island

like this.

A troubling thought crossed Ian's mind, but he dismissed it quickly. It wasn't like Patric to pull off

something like that.

While Patric's goals were still unclear to him, Ian sensed from his past experiences that he wouldn't

force Maja into marriage, especially given her condition. Patric was too proud a man to play the role of

a convenient father.

Clutching the sweets, Ian frowned with concern.

At Quentin's place, his bodyguard flat-out refused the sweets.

Quentin, not even having seen the sweets, approached the locked room wearing a mask.

He questioned the Bradshaw family's guard standing nearby.

"Who's being kept in here?"

"Mr. Patric's beloved. She's a bit unwell, mentally, so she needs to be confined, or she might wander


"So, is Patric marrying her?"


Almost instantly, Quentin was sure that Maja was inside.

He summoned Timothy, with a voice icy cold.

"Open the door."

"Sir, this..."

"Open it."

Timothy, not daring to defy the command, ordered the servant to unlock the door immediately.

Every family head knew of the formidable power behind the Elder. Once, a family of medium repute

had defied the Elder, only to be exterminated within an hour without a trace left behind. The power

seemed to spring from the ground itself.

The lesson was clear, and since then, no one dared cross the Elder.

Quentin stepped into the room, which was filled with a sweet aroma.

He looked towards the bed.

There lay a woman, with her hands placed in front of her, seemingly asleep.

It was Maja.

Quentin gestured for everyone to leave, "Step out, all of you."

"Elder, I'll be back in five minutes."

Once the door closed, Quentin bent down to check on Maja. Updаted at Drамanоvels.cом

Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open, but that was all.

Quentin wanted to call out her name, but hesitated, fearing that she would recognize him.

"Ms. Pennyfeather?" he whispered, altering his voice.

Yet Maja did not respond.

Quentin reached for her arm, finding it rigid as if struck by a paralyzing point.novelbin

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