Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1453
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Chapter 1453

If Maja didn't know the significance of that tattoo, she might have brushed it off as someone being

overly cautious.

But having been around the block in Outer Island, where she'd seen enough of the darkness that the

tattoo could bring, she was piecing together the puzzle.

Forbidden Island probably had something to do with BK, but the extent of their connection was still up

in the air. Those who got into BK weren't off to some fancy prep school; they were being plucked for

something else, something darker—maybe even for research.

After all, it's the most intelligent ones that are ripe for the picking.

So what was the deal between BK and that shadowy research facility?

Her brow furrowed as Quentin's voice continued to spill the beans.

"Madam heard something she shouldn't have and has been fretting over me ever since. Her health's

been on the fritz, but the high school's got an iron grip—no walking out unless you've got someone to

take over your place. Only way she can rest up at home is if someone else takes her spot or, well, if

she kicks the bucket."

"How did you figure I could paint?"

Quentin's lashes fluttered down as he tugged at his lips in a half-smile, "Call it a hunch."

Maja looked up at the ceiling, let out a long sigh, "Is there more to this jellyfish tattoo story?"

"Once you fill in, you can enter your artwork in contests. Hit the mark for Middle Island, and you're in.

But getting to Inner Island? That's a whole different ballgame. If you're digging into the tattoo, odds are

you'll need to head to Inner Island."

He rubbed his neck, a shadow crossing his face. "In two months, and I'm supposed to be shipped off to

Inner Island after the big test. My fate's up in the air."

No wonder the kid seemed so detached, so aloof for his age.

"Maja, the secret of the jellyfish tattoo lies in Inner Island—I've told you all I know. You've already

agreed to this," he said, the subtext clear: she can’t back out.

Not that Maja was in any position to back out now.

From Quentin's revelations, she gleaned that he was the only one among this year's high schoolers to

crack the top ten rankings for the whole island—the smartest kid this year.

Education on Outer Island was like being stuck in some backwater village, making a shot at a better life

tough to come by. So the fact that Quentin was stamped with that tattoo probably made him the pride of

the school.

Now, as the new art teacher, Maja would rub elbows with the school's brass and maybe glean more

intel. Luck was on her side, stumbling upon a lead so early in the game.

"I did make a promise, didn't I?"

Quentin stood up, reheating the takeout he'd brought and dishing it out to the other kids in the yard.

Maja stayed inside, the laughter outside softening her expression.

Her hand was suddenly gripped by a woman's, her voice raspy.

"Quentin's a good boy. I want him to live, to keep on living."

Maja's mouth opened, but no words came out. Her arrival had sparked hope, yet she hadn't actually

done anything yet.

"I'll do my best," she managed.

The woman released her, sighing faintly. "Quentin's got a good eye. He wouldn't bring you here if he

didn't see hope in you."

The woman's eyes closed, weariness etched on her face.

Maja thought for a beat before seeking out Quentin.

"I'm loaded. Should I get a doc to check on her?"

Quentin looked down, a bitter twist to his mouth. "No need. We both know she's just biding her time."

Maja let the subject drop, her gaze landing on the kids without decent shoes, relishing leftovers as if

they were gourmet feasts. After a few seconds of silence, she headed for the door.

"Maja, where are you off to?"

"Just need some air."

She hopped into a car, hit up the local mall, and returned with a truckload of goods.novelbin

"Quentin, give me a hand with this stuff."

The kids were all patches and hand-me-downs; Quentin was doing his best, but with school and the

meager wages on Outer Island, his best was stretched thin.

She'd bought a truck's worth of essentials, snacks, clothes, and shoes.

When Quentin saw the haul, he froze, unable to fathom the cost.

Maja checked her wristwatch, "There's two more trucks of furniture coming."

This was beyond Quentin's wildest dreams. His brain took a while to reboot before he reached out to

help, his eyes downturned.

"Thanks," he murmured.

Just as he spoke, a sleek car pulled up, its window rolling down to reveal a smug face.

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