Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1434
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Chapter 1434

Mr. Sanders glanced up, his gaze first falling on Maja, then shifting to Ian, his pupils shrinking fiercely,

disbelief prompting him to rise from his seat.

His face betrayed such shock that one might suspect he'd seen a ghost.

At the same moment, Mrs. Sanders also looked up, her expression equally incredulous. But they were

formidable figures in their youth, and swiftly masked their emotions.

It was the patriarch who spoke first.

"Is this Maja?"

Maja, unprovoked and therefore not displaying her sharpness, stepped forward with a meek demeanor,

bowing her head slightly.

"Grandpa, Grandma."

The Sanders' family values were well-regarded; even though many were disgruntled by the shares she

held, no one spoke out before the elders had their say.

Even York, whose eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, didn't dare act out of line at this critical


The presence of the two elders was so formidable it left everyone else gasping for air.

Mr. Sanders nodded, taking a sip from the coffee on the table, appearing at least a decade younger

than his peers.

"When I handed over the Sanders family to Augus, I made it clear: the heir of the Sanders family has

the right to handle anything, including the distribution of shares."

York couldn't hold back any longer.

"What makes this girl worthy?"


Mrs. Sanders's voice rang out, stern and commanding.

The reprimand made York shudder.

Maja began to understand why Beck said the Sanders never fought among themselves.

With strict family discipline, Beck's casual ways must seem irresponsible to them, while Dylan was the

ideal successor in their eyes.

The authority of the family head was inviolable.

The room fell silent for a moment, with York clenching his fists in frustration, yet not daring to speak


Mr. Sanders continued.

"So, Maja, you are now the head of the Sanders family, and as such, there is one rule you cannot

break: you must marry a partner of our choosing."novelbin

History was repeating itself. Augus had no choice but to marry Arlene, which was why Cynthia became


Who did the elders want her to marry now?

Maja stiffened, her eyes wide with surprise.

Beck quickly interjected.

"Grandpa, I've never heard of this rule?"

Mr. Sanders lowered his lashes, his face serene, "I'll have a fortune-teller look into your destiny. If you

and this gentleman here are not compatible, you cannot marry."

The older they got, the more the elders believed in these practices.

They had already sensed the relationship between Maja and Ian. They hadn't expressed approval or

disapproval, only the need for this calculation.

Whatever the outcome, it would be accepted.

Maja was about to protest when a warm hand took hold of hers.

It was Ian, signaling her to avoid conflict for now, especially since the outcome was still unknown.

Moreover, the old couple's reaction to seeing Ian's face was off.

They'd been in seclusion for years—could they possibly know Ian?

Unlikely. Devoted to their faith, they'd tuned out from the outside world for over two decades. If not for

the event, they likely would never have left their island retreat.

The authority of the elders was too great; not a soul in the room dared to oppose them.

Beck wanted to say more but was halted by Maja's tug.

Clearly, as long as the elders were present, they had the final word in the Sanders household.

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