Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1419
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Chapter 1419

His phone had been buzzing non-stop until the battery finally gave out.

Clearly, he had forgotten about the thing he had promised to Dylan, just sitting there in the lounge

closest to the top floor.

Ian pushed open the door, and the grin on his face was almost blinding.

After all, Beck had been mulling over how to break the news about his identity to Maja, but seeing Ian's

smile, he just knew—Maja must have agreed to keep the baby.

"No way!"

Beck slammed his hand on the table in protest, "She's barely 25, for heaven's sake. Why should she

suffer through childbirth for you, Ian? You're really pushing your luck here. You haven't offered any gifts,

there's been no wedding, and you even kicked her out once. Now, you two aren't even legally bound,

and you're still on the run from the law. And you expect her to have your child? That's just


Ian slowly took a seat, "Then go upstairs and tell Maja that. Tell her she's the long-lost daughter of the

Sanders family. See if she'll acknowledge that."

With these words, Beck was left speechless.

His limbs felt cold, his mouth agape, and it took a moment before he finally managed to say something.

"What my brother did was wrong, but Dad has been looking for her all along. He even said he'd give

her all the Sanders shares. I hope she'll meet with my dad."

He said it with little conviction, knowing full well Maja probably despised the Sanders name.

Now it was Ian's turn to call the shots, leisurely pouring himself a cup of tea.

"How does the Sanders family plan to deal with Dylan and Judith?"

The implication being, if he wasn't satisfied with their fate, he wasn't about to let Maja recognize her


Beck's eyelashes fluttered, his hand trembling slightly.

"Dad's in a coma. Once all of the Sanders shares are transferred to Maja, she'll be in charge. If she

doesn't want the responsibility, I'll take it on for her. I'll ensure she gets a satisfactory outcome. Ian, younovelbin

know my dad has been searching for her. He thought she was dead, aged overnight, and now he's

bedridden, not knowing when he'll wake up."

Ian remained silent, his fingers playing with the lid of his teacup, eyes dark and deep.

After a moment, Beck added in a hoarse voice, "If anything does happen to my dad, it would also be a

regret for Maja."

"Tomorrow, I'll take Maja to the Sanders estate."

A spark of hope flashed in Beck's eyes, and he felt a surge of emotion.

"Alright, alright, I get it! I'll sleep in the lounge tonight, and we'll set off together in the morning!"

"Suit yourself."

Ian stood up and returned to the top floor.

He climbed into bed and pulled Maja into his arms.

"Maja, what do you think of Beck?"

"Beck seems like a decent guy. He helped me out a lot at first. But I never want to see Dylan again in

my life."

Ian hugged her tighter and took a deep breath, savoring her scent.

"How about you come with me to meet Mr. Sanders tomorrow? I need to discuss something with him."

Maja was worried he might start a conflict with the Sanders family for her sake, her hands cradling his


"You're not planning to confront Dylan at the Sanders estate, are you? That would be foolish. No matter

what Dylan does, he's still Mr. Sanders' son, and Mr. Sanders won't take our side. Besides, we'd be on

their turf, and if anything happened, we'd have nowhere to run."

Ian chuckled and held her even closer.

"Trust me, I won't let anything happen to you or our child."

At the mention of the word 'child', Maja felt a softness in her bones.

"Ian, do you think it's a boy or a girl?"

Without hesitation, Ian replied.

"A girl, I hope. I want her to be like you."

Maja didn't respond, overcome with sleepiness, and soon drifted off in his arms.

Ian looked down at her face, gently kissed her forehead, and then, content, fell asleep with her in his


Meanwhile, at the Sanders estate.

Dylan had waited for hours without seeing Beck, and he couldn't get through to him on the phone.

When he tried again, the line was dead.

He looked at the man lying comatose on the bed, but he didn't get angry.

Augus' white hair made him look much older. Just a month ago, he seemed vigorous, but now he

looked drained of life.

Dylan felt a pang of guilt, and just then, Judith called him at that moment.

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