Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1410
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Chapter 1410

Judith clung to Dylan's arm at that moment.

"Dylan, I just knew you're the best to me. Maybe starting tonight, I won't have any more nightmares.

Big bro, thanks."

She leaned into Dylan's embrace, her lips curled in a smug smile that Maja could clearly see under the

glow of the overhead lights.

But it didn't matter anymore. If Maja was going to die here tonight, she hoped to never lay eyes on

those two again in her life.

The two bodyguards locked the cage, waiting for Dylan's command.

Dylan hesitated.

He often asked himself if what he was doing was right.

But he had to protect his family, and Judith was his family, while Maja would always be an outsider.

"Sir, should we set sail to the middle of the river and then push it over?" one of the bodyguards asked.

Dylan opened his mouth but couldn't issue the command.

Judith saw his hesitation and dramatically leaned back, feigning a faint.

This instantly steeled his resolve.

"Do it!"

"Roger that!"

The bodyguards pushed the cage onto a dinghy, planning to row out a few dozen yards before

dumping the cage.

After all, the water was too shallow near the shore. If they were going to kill her, they wanted to ensure

she'd be trapped at the river's bottom forever.

Watching the dinghy get further away, Dylan felt as if his heart was being lifted by a string, suspended

ever higher.

Panic enveloped him like a shroud.

He vividly remembered what Augus had told him as a child.

"Your sister is frail. She suffered when she was born. You need to be gentle with her, understand?"

"Father, but what if she does something wrong?"

"If she's family, she can never do wrong."

"And what if Beck and I mess up?"

"You get punished. As older brothers, you should set the example."novelbin

This ironclad rule was etched deep into Dylan's bones, so over the years, he indulged Judith


No matter the trouble she caused, he always had her back.

Even after learning that Judith wasn't truly a Sanders, he couldn't just abandon her.

Besides, the truth about Jolin's incident was still out there, right? Maybe someone really was trying to

drive a wedge between Judith and the Sanders family.

He took a deep breath, forcing himself not to watch the dinghy.

When he turned around, he saw Judith smiling.

It was an uncontrollable smile, even though she tried to appear heartbroken, but it was still obvious.

Judith didn't mean to reveal her feelings, but with Augus unconscious and Maja as good as dead, who

else could stop her from reclaiming her place in the Sanders family?

No one!

She would still be the wealthy and influential princess of the Sanders family. And when Dylan found out

Maja's identity, she could even feign innocence.

After all, Dylan had given the order. He would be the one who killed his own sister.

Judith's smirk grew wider when she heard Dylan ask, "Judith, are you smiling?"

She knew she had to rein it in, but amusement still glittered in her eyes.

"Dylan, I'm not, I swear. It's just, she finally got what she deserved. I begged her, and she was so

dismissive. It's all karma."

Her words also convinced Dylan.

He patted her on the head, trying to ignore the unease in his heart.

"Yeah, she got what she deserved. Let's head inside. It's chilly out here, and you're not well."

As Judith turned away, she nearly burst out laughing!

Forty minutes earlier, Herbert had been waiting for Maja's return. Frowning, he stood up, intent on

descending the stairs to check on her himself.

But he found no one on the ground floor. It was eerily quiet.

Arlene followed him down, no longer pretending, her face a mask of cold indifference.

Herbert asked, "Mrs. Sanders, what's going on here?"

"Herbert, your protégée seems to have a little trouble with Dylan. I guess Dylan wanted to have a word

with her in private. Let's call it a night, shall we? Once Dylan's sorted it out, she'll be sent back."

Herbert had been in North America long enough to have heard of Dylan's ways. Dylan, after all, was

the boss of a huge corporation and had been raised with the finest education. He wouldn't mistreat a

woman, but still, Herbert couldn't help but worry.

So he called Ian.

"Kid, Maja's been taken by Dylan, and I can't reach her."

That one sentence got Ian on his feet. He didn't even wait to hear what Beck had to say next, grabbing

his coat and heading downstairs.

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