Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1399
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Chapter 1399

The glare that followed her was venomous to the core. Had glares possessed the power to kill, she

would have met her demise a thousand times over.

Maja arched an eyebrow slightly before the chorus of jeers reached her ears. She hadn't intended to

join the fray, yet a familiar voice cut through the commotion.

"Let go of me! Let go! I am Ms. Sanders!"

"Ha! Ms. Sanders, my foot! Sold into this place; you're mine now. You'll bear me a brood of three or five

before you even dream of walking free!"

Maja's frown deepened. Peering through the crowd, she indeed saw Judith sprawled on the ground.

How on earth had Judith ended up in this disorderly land?

Their eyes met, and a glimmer of hope shone in Judith's, "Maja, get me out of here! If not, I'll tattle to


The plea was almost laughable, couched as it was in such a lofty tone.

Besides, Ian had filled her in on all the recent drama. Judith wasn't a blood Sanders, and as for Jolin,

word was that Dylan had trotted off to Greenfield to investigate personally. Fitch had regainednovelbin

consciousness too and was on the case. It wouldn't be long before the truth came out.

She had no desire to engage with this woman, but then Judith scrambled up and clung to her leg.

"Maja, I came looking for my brother. Just tell me where he is, and I’ll leave this place immediately.

Have mercy, please! I was wrong to speak to you like that before."

Maja wasn't one to turn the other cheek, especially not when Judith had nearly sent her to an early

grave. Why should she lift a finger to help?

Her brow furrowed as she watched a man surge forward from behind Judith, seizing her by the ankle.

"You wretched thing! I've paid good money for you, and you dare try to escape!"

A slap landed across Judith's cheek.

Judith fixed Maja with a pained stare, but her eyes were brimming with resentment. One day, she'd kill

that wretch!

"Maja please, save me! I swear I'll never cross you again, never. Please, I’ll be indebted to you


However, Maja turned on her heel, grasping Ian's hand.

"Let's go."

Ian said nothing, and they walked off into the distance. After they were a safe distance away, Maja

paused and spoke in a measured tone.

"Have someone give her a hand, but not too much. Just make sure she doesn't end up defiled by that


Even if she wanted vengeance on Judith, she refused to stoop to shaming a woman. She could have

gone for Judith's life, as Judith had once done to her. But she was above such pettiness now.

Ian seemed less than thrilled. Maja tiptoed up and planted a kiss on his lips.

"If I wanted revenge, I'd have her arms and legs broken. But I can't stand by and watch a woman being

trafficked under my nose. Whether she appreciates it or not doesn't matter. It's about my own

principles, okay?"

Won over by her kiss, Ian nodded slowly in agreement.

Meanwhile, Judith struggled, but the man showed no mercy. As she was pinned down in an alley, a

bodyguard appeared.

With a swift kick, the guard sent the man flying, tossing a handful of bills at him.

"Don't bother her again."

The man, recognizing he was outclassed, slinked away in defeat.

Judith sat in the dirt, her face a mask of humiliation. She realized Maja had sent the help, a

backhanded 'rescue' that felt more like another humiliation.

That damned woman! With a twisted sneer, Judith hurried to the other end of the alley, where a few

thuggish men loitered. These were desperados with blood on their hands, accustomed to the worst.

Judith deliberately tugged her clothing askew, drawing the attention of the men she passed. Then, as

one of them seized her wrist, the group dragged her deeper into the alley.

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