Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1395
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Chapter 1395

Fitch took a sip of water and stood by the mirror to straighten his clothes.

"Before the crash, I was hired by Ian to dig into the secrets of the Sanders family's daughter."

Tyler nodded in recognition, he had heard about the case.

"Tyler, fill me in on everything that's gone down recently, especially anything related to Ian and Maja.

Don't leave out a thing; I need the full picture."

He avoided mentioning Zoey, as if the name itself brought discomfort.novelbin

Tyler quickly updated Fitch on the developments from North America. It took Fitch ten minutes to

process the new information.

"I did meet Phelps before the accident, and if you're not about to tell me he's more than he seems, then

waking from the coma wouldn't have made me suspect him. He's concealed his true self too well."

Fitch was a cautious man. They all had real bonds of friendship that wouldn't be questioned without

solid evidence.

So when Ian decided to suspect Phelps, it must have been a decision made with absolute clarity. Now

aware of Phelps's true identity, Fitch pieced things together with ease.

"I met with Phelps that time, and then headed to Crystalbrook Valley. My team found data suggesting

the Sanders family’s daughter was likely born in Solstice Hospital. Back then, being a doctor was a

secure job, but that hospital in Crystalbrook Valley had fired a bunch of staff in a short period. I

intended to check it out myself, but then the crash happened."

"Fitch, I've heard from Ian's people - that Jolin is the daughter of the Sanders family."

Fitch pondered, considering this angle. Jolin's life story did seem to fit, but something felt off.

"I'm heading back to Crystalbrook Valley. I'm taking more people this time to investigate. I have a

hunch, but I'm afraid it's wrong and could trigger a chain of errors on Ian's end. I need to see for


Without Jolin in the mix, his suspicions would've fallen on Maja. Her life story was strikingly similar to

what he knew, but Jolin's life story was just like Maja’s; besides, with the paternity test backing her

claim, she was a likely candidate.

However, with Phelps's identity in question, the DNA test he provided was suspect. Realizing this, he

was about to call Ian when one of his men came in.

"Mr. Haskins, Mr. Dylan Sanders is here to see you. Says he has some questions."

Fitch wasn't close with Dylan but went to the lobby to meet him anyway. Dylan looked worn, yet his

authoritative aura remained intact.

"Mr. Sanders, good to see you're well."

Fitch had barely recovered when Dylan showed up, which meant Dylan must have uncovered

something too.

Dylan massaged his temples, looking pale, "My father handed the search for my sister to Phelps, and

Ian passed it to you. I need to know your next move, and I want in."

Fitch eyed him carefully. Dylan's presence was heavy, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep, and he'd

traveled all the way from North America to Greenfield.

"Fitch, I'm ready to throw everything into this investigation. I need to know if Jolin truly is my sister," his

voice was hoarse and tense, his hands clenched in disquietude as he spoke.

Fitch had been briefed by Tyler - Jolin was dead in North America, her death somehow linked to Dylan.

Dylan cared for Judith, for he determined to protect his sister, but if the deceased Jolin was his true kin,

how could he reconcile that?

Despite his recent surgery, Fitch couldn't ignore the complications on Ian's side. He was Ian's buddy;

this matter needed prompt resolution.

"I'm heading to Crystalbrook Valley, where Jolin lived as well."

Dylan stood up to join him, "I'm coming with you."

Concerned for Fitch's health, Tyler sighed softly, "I'm in too."

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