Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1343
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Chapter 1343

Agent 003's voice was as dark as a storm cloud when she finally put the pieces together. All this time,

everyone had been played by Maja like a fiddle. Her eyesight had been restored, which explained how

she could read 003 so well, anticipate her every move.

Around a blind person, 003 sometimes let her guard down without even realizing it.

"Yeah, I've seen clearly for a while now," Maja admitted with a smirk, "including your dislike for me. You

want the top spot too, huh? Well, thanks for that. Without you playing right into my hands—aiding and

abetting 002's schemes—I wouldn't have broken free so quickly. So long."

With those final words, Maja slammed her foot on the gas and sped away from the scene.

003 wasn't as hot-headed as 002, but Maja's revelation still left her reeling.

Lying in the dirt, 003 felt a surge of anger and humiliation wash over her. Being played for a fool,

especially by someone she looked down upon, was the ultimate insult.

Like 002, 003 had never taken Maja seriously, seeing her as nothing but a blind liability. But unlike 002,

who had foolishly confronted Maja and ended up crippling her own legs, 003 was secretly pleased.

After all, with 002 out of the running, her own chances of becoming the leader had just increased.

She was determined to deal with Maja and claim her rightful place at the top. Tonight seemed like the

perfect opportunity, especially after she noticed 002 sneaking extra pills into a paper bag. It hit her like

a ton of bricks—maybe Maja had been baiting 002 all along. What exactly was Maja up to?

With that question gnawing at her, 003 spent a long time pondering until she saw K’s door swing open.

Catching sight of the gaunt figure that emerged, her heart skipped a beat.

Maja's plan had been flawless, but without 003's cooperation, she couldn't have escaped the villa.

Fortunately for Maja, 003 had her own agenda, so she played along, dropping hints about Augus andnovelbin

asking if Maja was headed to the Sanders family estate in North America, just to get Maja into the car.

What 003 hadn’t anticipated was Maja's insight into her own motives, including the likelihood that 003

would play right into her hands.

Maja had been acting all along, and 003 had let her guard down too much.

With 003's help, Maja had managed to escape the villa.

Now, watching the car disappear into the distance, a chill ran through 003’s eyes, but she had to admit

—she had lost this round.

She had underestimated her opponent. That wouldn't happen again.

Lowering her lashes, she clutched at her injuries, wondering how Mr. K would react upon discovering

Maja's escape.

A sardonic laugh escaped her lips. This could work to her advantage. She could use this debacle to

eliminate 002 once and for all. After all, those pills had come directly from 002, and 003 was completely


She had simply been deceived by Maja, who even managed to injure her.

Her eyes narrowed calculatingly, but she had one more trick up her sleeve. The car Maja was driving

didn't have enough gas to make it to Greenfield, let alone anywhere in North America. It would barely

make it to the next town.

Stranded without money or a phone, Maja couldn't possibly refuel.

Even if she had escaped the villa, the outside world was still a prison for her.

Behind the wheel, Maja’s foot was heavy on the gas, pushing the needle to its limits.

The fear of being dragged back to that hellhole fueled her desperate flight. She needed to reach Ian,

and her heart raced at the thought that she might actually pull this off.

It was a domino effect; if any piece had faltered, her escape would have been impossible.

Joy was etched on her face despite the sweat slicking her palms. But the desolation around her was

palpable, the streetlights long gone, the silence deafening.

The car’s fuel warning beeped ominously—only ten miles left in the tank—and panic started to set in.

She even considered abandoning the car and running for it.

Mr. K, known for his vigilance, would soon realize what had happened. He would come after her, and

she would be caught.

In a race against time, Maja had to make a move. She was free for now, but the road ahead was

uncertain, and every second counted.

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