Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1323
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Chapter 1323

Chapter 1323

The door to the private booth was flung open, and they tried to saunter in, only to catch Omar in themiddle of a fashion disaster involving someone’s dress

Comelia had her back to them, so they didn’t get a good look at her face, mistaking her for one of thecocktail waitresses from the BlueSky Bar

“Mr. Casson, living it up. I see

“What kind of girl has got you all fired up, Mr Casson?”

The group hooted and hollered, completely oblivious to the storm brewing on Omar’s face

In a flash he whipped off his suit jacket and draped it over Comelia, bellowing at the intruders, “Get out!Just get the hell out of here!

Scared out of their wits, they scattered like roaches, skedaddling out of there

Omar slammed the door shut, his chest heaving with rage

I’ve got people looking into this. Comelia We’ll have answers by tonight. Let me take you home”

She stood silently tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Quickly looking up, she forced them back and turned to face him with a smile.

“Mr Casson, quite the knight in shining armor Money and power sure make a difference. How could Iever have mistaken you for a mere delivery guy? I must’ve been blind

And foolish, she thought, to be duped by a guy pretending to be a delivery boy and to give herself awayso naively

Omar stood at the door feeling as if a thousand knives had just pierced his heart.

He opened the door to let some fresh air in to keep the booth from feeling suffocating

“I take you home

Cornelia followed him quietly, her lashes cast down.

When they reached the outside of BlueSky Bar, she headed to her own carnovelbin

“Mr Casson, it’s not necessary I have to get back to the set tonight”

Omar felt a pang of emptiness and quickly said, “Don’t you want to know the truth about whathappened to Fitch? I’ve got friends on it too. With the Olsons and the Cassons looking into it, we’ll haveanswers by dawn

Cornelia considered it and then stepped out of her car

Then I’ll go with you to the Casson residence I’ll wait for the results there.”

Omar stiffened his grip tightening on the car door

He’d been avoiding the Casson family home recently, choosing instead to stay in the room Comeliahad shared with her parents

But he couldn’t confess that. Her parents were a hurdle she couldn’t overcome, her greatest pain.


He opened the passenger door for her

nelia climbed in

took the driver’s seat and steered the car towards the Casson family mansion.

asson mansion was quiet, save for the staff Almost everyone had been sent away by Omar

ng in the grand living room. Cornelia couldn’t shake off the eene coldness that seemed to seep into herbones.

he remained on the couch, watching Omar enter the kitchen, soon followed by the sound of runningwater

Ten minutes later he emerged with unevenly chopped fruit, thoughtfully placing toothpicks beside herplate.

Cornelia glanced at it with little appetite but politely said, “Thank you”

She then took out her phone to scroll through the news, not saying much else

Omar sat in silence too, both waiting for word from outside

Cornelia wished time would race by

Omar hoped it could stand still forever

Fitch was well–trained and had managed to bail out of the car just before the collision However, thesubsequent impact from another car sent him cares lake, where he lost consciousness

He awoke briefly trying to swim ashore, but his strength failed, and he blacked out again

Fortunately during his bouts of unconsciousness, he floated face up keeping him alive

After an indeterminate time adrift, a crew aboard a passing ship spotted him

Someone rushed to inform the man in the black shirt onboard

Mr. Olson, there’s a body floating in the river

The man, his unnaturally pale fingers hovering over a chessboard looked up His sallow complexionbetrayed a life

Hearing the report, he glanced up

“So many dead I can’t keep track

“He seems alive, sir”

*Then make sure he can’t. A few more shots, perhaps?”

“Um, his face looks familiar i think it’s Fitch, the guy who called you a while back ”

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