Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1310
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Chapter 1310

Chapter 1310

Bernard stood before him, the weight of silence hanging between them. It was a long while before hefinally asked, “What if one day, Eric starts acting out of character, showing signs that something’sseriously off? What then?”

Without hesitation, lan replied, “I’d take him down”

“Even if it meant the real Eric might never come back? From what I remember. Eric used to be quitefond of you”

lan remained silent, prompting Bernard to squat down slowly, umbrella in hand

“Eric’s become unpredictable, refusing to give up the chip, and his temper has turned sour Brotherlylove won’t bring him back. Hell, he’s even got it out for you now. He has no attachment to theRaymonds let alone any patriotic feelings lan, it’s time to head back. A promise won’t be enough for mysupport

lan, kneeling, looked up with a gaze sharp and resolute

“Grandpa Bernard, do you recall when I was fourteen? You sent me off to North America, saying noone had ever made it out of those underground fight clubs alive, let alone climbed to the top of theheap You thought I’d die there But I survived I fought men built like mountains and beasts that couldtear a man apart. And I made it. I took the biggest risks and came out on top You said I could workmiracles For all the intel I’ve brought you from those pits over the years, I’m asking you, give meanother chance

like when I was fourteen

Bernard didn’t reply. The relentless rain pounded on the umbrella, the sound echoing amidst the mistysurroundings, as if the world had been turned into a swirling landscape


Fog rose from the ground, visibility dropping all around them

With a sigh, Bernard patted lan’s shoulder

“I have a way you could take Eric, but it’s risky. Are you willing to take that chance?


lan’s eyes were razor–sharp

Bernard clenched his hand into a fist, tapping it against lan’s shoulder.

“We’ll discuss the details inside”

The storm raged on the content of their conversation known to no one.

Until two days later

The Raymond Corporation made a sudden announcement: President lan had transferred all his sharesto a trust, and his assistant Jeff would hold these shames for three years, which meant no trading, butenough clout for Jeff

Just as everyone thought the Raymonds were in for a shake up, a bombshell dropped lan, heir to thecorporation, had defied orders and fled the country with a key individual, now branded a criminal

Am I seeing this right? lan, abducting and fleeing with a key individual?]

Out of respect for Holden’s service to the country they’re just pursuing him for now. I heard Bernard’spassed out from the shock, facing interrogation by a rival faction]

So, was it Eric he took?]

Nobody knows for sure. The details are locked down. Last I heard, lan was on a plane to NorthAmerica]

Speculation was rampant, with lan, who had been aggressively acquiring companies, now a fugitive

Only Fitch upon hearing the news, tried calling lan, but found his phone under surveillance due to hisclose ties to the wanted man.

lan didn’t pick up

Fitch sat in his mansion, its doors swiftly breached by Tyler storming in.

“He’s gone mad He’s taken Eric and vanished With Enc under such scrutiny, this could get them bothshot. He’s got guts, I’ll give him that Was it for Naja

Fitch couldn’t untangle the mess

He tried Bernard again, only to be told by someone else that Bernard was bedridden with rage andrefusing visitors

Fitch set his phone down his expression grave

Tyler paced before him, usually preoccupied with showbiz gossip rarely the power plays of theGreenfield elite. But this was too big to ignore

“Fitch, think of something Are we just going to let lan get shot?

“What can I do?novelbin

Fitch was frustrated too. He’d accompanied lan to see Bernard only for lan to end up fleeing with Ericafter a mysterious two day plea. Now, with Bernant. their affairs in the hands of rivals, if they caughtlan, an on the spot execution was a real possibility

Especially with Eric in tow a man of international intrigue tan was now up against the world powers,alone in a fight that seemed impossible to win

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