Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1287
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Chapter 1287

Chapter 1287

Only after Murray had left did Zoey leaning against the wall, weakly close the door behind her

Every inch of her ached, and Murrays tantrum had only worn her out more.

Blinking away the sting in her eyes, she was grateful it was a Saturday and she didn’t have to work

She was about to collapse back into bed when her cell phone rang It was her mother, the only familyshe had left

Zoey’s heart trembled Her fingertips began to shake.

It took her several thes to answer the call

“Mom” she said

“Zoey are you free tonight? I’d like to see you. There’s something I need to discuss with you”

This was the first time Belinda had asked to meet Zory was taken aback

Back when her parents were still together Zony had found comfort from her father But after the divorce,when she was given to her mother, she never felt that warmth


Every time she sent money back home, Belinda’s tone softened, and Zoey clung to it, even though sheknew it was unhealthy

It had become a habit, sending money home. Hearing words of concern from her mother’s mouth filledher with warmth

“Okay Mom Send me the address.

Belinda sent her the location, knowing she would come.

Zoe looked at the address and crashed in her hotel room until afternoon

It was autumn now so she wrapped a scarf around her neck before meeting her mother

They were meeting at a noodle shop Belinda wasn’t willing to treat Zoey to anything too expensive

Belinda was living comfortably off the money Zoey sent home. She was wearing a satin dress, lookingsmooth and comfortable

Upon seeing the scarf around Zoey’s neck. Belinda turned solemn

Once they had sat down, she yanked off the scarf to reveal the patchy marks underneath and slappedZoey across the face.

“How can you have so little self–respect? You were always like this at home, flirting with men. Nowyou’re selling yourself? If Murray hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have known how far you’ve fallen!”

Zoey’s head jerked to the side from the force of the stap, the corner of her mouth bloody

Belinda’s slap had been fierce, full force, and her ring had scraped Zoey’s cheek raw

Zoey was at a loss for words, only licking her lips instinctively, trying to lick away the blood

But Belinda reached for her again, trying to rip off her clothes in front of everyone

“Mom” Zoey cried clutching her clothes tightly

You deserve this! You have no self–respect!”novelbin

Belinda’s nails dug into the skin of Zoey’s neck, causing her pain.

People around them were taking pictures. Afraid of having her face photographed. Zoey hastily put ona mask from her purse and pulled on her hood.

Belinda rolled her eyes

“Are you feeling embarrassed now? You didn’t feel that way when you were spreading your legs formen, did you? I’m telling you, you better patch things up with Mumayi me a reliable and it’s better thanbeing with those old men!”

Zoey felt drained and didn’t know how to respond

Because she was indeed with a man now Although he wasnt old she was selling herself to him.

It was just a matter of selling herself to one person versus many

“Mom Murray is married And he was the one who cheated first, falling for a rich man’s daughter.”

“You said it yourself, she’s a rich mans daughter What do you have to compare to that? it’s only naturalthat Murray would want to marry her. Now that he wa?zes post worth, he wants to take you back He’swilling to keep you as his mistress You better appreciate this and stop seeing those other men

Zoey blinked a few times, then took out several stacks of cash from her purse

The money about three thousand dollars made Belindas eyes gleam

Her tone finally softened

“If you don’t want to be his mistress, then treat him as one of your clients. Who you sell yourself todoesn’t matter

Zoey felt extremely uncomfortable hearing those worda

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, espe

“Mom, I need to go

She stood up to leave and Belinda didn’t stop her

with everyone in the shop walchung. She pushed her hood down further

Just remember to remove Murray from your blacklist Hes actually beer pretty

before he found another woman. That’s a lot better than most men

Ito you, and you’ve known each other for so long. He was with you for seven years.

Zoey knew what Belinda was thinking She was just afraid that Zoey would come home and steal herboyfriend

Every time Zoey mentioned coming home. Belinda would blow up

As Zoey reached the door she heard Belinda haggling with the shop owner

“Take off one bowl of noodles We dont want it

“But we ve

eady started making it, and now you

“We can’t finish it. If we don’t want it, we won’t take it. Mich only pay for ar

The shop owner grumbled and cursed, but had no choice

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