Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1236
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Chapter 1236

Chapter 1236

Her head was spinning and her anxiety mounted to the point where she felt an ache at the back of herskull. Her temples throbbed, the pain so intense it made her


She didn’t realize that the incense burning in the room was heavily influencing her emotional state

The man stood up and helped her to her feet.

“You need to rest Stop worrying about everything for now

He assisted Maja onto the bed, but once she lay down, her headache seemed to intensify

The man forced a pill into her mouth

“You’re too worked up to rest properly. Take this sleeping pill and stop overthinking”

Like a marionette. Maja opened her mouth and swallowed the pill obediently

The man sat by the bed his eyes fixed on her beautiful face. He reached out, gently brushing a straylock of hair from her ears.

Maja had already dozed off, oblivious to his actions.

The man sat quietly by the bed for ten minutes, his gaze drifting towards the burning incense not faraway

The amount of incense was enough to scramble her thoughts, but Maja’s willpower was stronger thanmost

If they stayed here much longer, lan’s men would find them quickly. They couldn’t afford to waste anymore time

He took out something and added it to the incense. Another man entered, witnessing the scene.

“Mr K, we’re already at the limit with the incense. If we increase it any more, Ms. Pennyfeather mightsuffer some mental side effects”

But the man didn’t hesitate to increase the dosage

Don’t worry, the effects on the brain are reversible. Even if she experiences short–term issues, she’llrecover in time.”

The other man respectfully stood at the entrance, deciding not to argue further

Another day passed

When Maja woke up, her mind felt much clearer, but she had no idea this was the terrifying power ofthe incense

It could cloud her thoughts when provoked, yet make her feel incredibly relaxed after sleeping

She found her way to the window, feeling the breeze coming from outside

Minutes later, she traced her way along the walls until she reached the door, which she then opened

There was no guard outside the door She continued to feel her way along until she reached a corridor

Her footsteps were soft, the echoing sound indicated the length of the hallway, suggesting the mansionwas quite vast

When she reached one of the rooms, she could hear voices from insidenovelbin

“Enc’s goal is to kill lan. The moment lan signs the share transfer, he will die.”

“And Steve has expressed strong disapproval of lan as well. Not to mention Dylan’s relentless attemptsto sabotage the Raymond Corporation’s business.”

“In my opinion, those people from the Raymond Corporation are ungrateful. lan did so much for theRaymond family, yet no one stood by him. Even Maureen tampered with lans car He had an accidenttoday and broke two fingers”

When Maja heard this her heart skipped a beat

The man glanced at where Maja stood a smirk on his lips

He had known she was eavesdropping The conversation was for her benefit, to urge her to make adecision quickly

He wanted her to cut ties with lan soon!

Blinded by the news, Maja decided to retreat the way she came

But in her haste she tripped losing a shoe and hitting her forehead on the ground. The pain made herhead spin

The door behind her suddenly opened, and footsteps approached.

It was the man’s voice

Soon, someone was by her side, helping her up

Her leg ached and she felt someone crouch beside her Then, her lost shoe was slipped onto her foot

The man admired her delicate foot, and with a downward glance, he slowly rose ‘Are you okay?

Maja shook her head reaching for the wall beside her as she prepared to leave

“Maja, don’t push yourself

He grabbed her arm but she stopped

She leaned against the wall, her voice raspy

“I want to see lan Can I see him, please?

She pleaded. “I beg you”

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