Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1210
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Chapter 1210

Chapter 1210

Over here in North America

It’s eight o’clock in the evening

Augus, dressed in a sleek black suit, sit in a private room of an underground combat pit

Below, theres a wild crowd, deafening roars, and a flurry of dollar bills raining in the air.

Nestled in the lawless zone, this underground combat pit was a gold mine, its daily earnings unknownto all.

Despite the numerous elites in North America vying for a piece of this lucrative pie, only lan succeeded

The fight club spanned seven floors, each covering an area of over thirty thousand square feet, witheach floor offering different thrills

Countless elites flocked here, shedding their bourgeois skin to blend into this riotous cavalcade of thenight

Augus sat, hands folded on his abdomen, silently observing the chaos below.

The door to his room opened, and in saunters Nydia, alluring in a black slip dress.

“Mr. Sanders, I’ve heard much about you. Didn’t expect you to grace us with your presence here.”

She ordered the finest coffee, a sly smile playing on her lips, before slinking onto a chair across fromAugus

He didn’t drink, his gaze fixed on the turmoil below.

This surprise visit by a big shot like Sanders had Nydia on her toes

But as ten minutes ticked by without a word from Augus, who was seemingly engrossed in the brawlbelow, Nydia tried to maintain her composure, sipping her coffee leisurely

Only when the dust settled and a victor emerged, Augus raised an eyebrow, thumb rubbing pensivelyagainst his signet ring.

“I’m here for a deal”

Nydia thought she misheard. Everyone knew the Sander family were the top dogs in North America. Asthe former patriarch, why would Augus need to strike a


“Mr. Sanders, am I hearing things?”

After all, the Sander family had always had a strained relationship with the combat pit. Augus evenonce publicly dended God, calling him a mad dog

lans bouts in the club were a secret He always fought behind a mask. But Augus knew because he,too, had once stepped into the ring. Age and defeat left him without a victory

When Augus called God a mad dog, he was essentially branding lan. But only the club insiders knewGod was lan

To the outside world, God was a desperate lunatic, hell–bent on defeating his opponents for cash.

When Augus faced lan, he walked out of the club on his own two feet, despite lan showing no mercy

Rumor had it, he spent a month in the hospital afterward

He left standing, propped up by nothing but a man’s pride.

So Nydia had a bone to pick with Augus, for he had hurt lan in their bout. And lan hadn’t walked awayunscathed either.

Augus, a former special forces soldier, still possessed a youthful vigor and an imposing aura, despitehis age.

“What deal does Mr. Sanders want to make?”

Augus picks up his coffee cup, idly stirring the coffee with a spoon.

“lan’s influence in Greenfield is impressive. A billion dollars, I want him to find my daughter.”

Nydia, initially ready to scoff, furrowed her brow at this revelation.

“Isn’t Miss Sanders your favored kid?”novelbin

Augus’s face was void of any expression, his fingers idly stroking the rim of his coffee cup

“I want to find my real daughter

Nydia understood now Judith probably wasn’t Augus‘ biological child.

“Mr Sanders, we’re aware of your capabilities. You could easily handle this yourself. Why come to us?”

Augus pulled out a card, which Nydia recognized

It represented one billion dollars in cash, accessible at any time

Augus, not in the mood for further small talk, simply pushed the card towards her

“This is just a deposit. I want my biological daughter back. The Sander family is vast, and the matter ofmy daughter’s disappearance is complicated, involving a wide range of factions I can’t manage it allalone. Besides, I can’t risk the search for my daughter becoming public knowledge, for fear it might puther in danger”

His voice was steady, and despite being in his fifties, his eyes were sharp

He produced another card identical to the first one, with the same billion–dollar limit

TII leave this card with lan for safekeeping. If he can truly find my daughter, he should give her thiscard. I want her to live a decent life”

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