Dear Ex-wife Marry Me

Chapter 1163
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Chapter 1163

Chapter 1163

The police station was teeming with people, a reflection of Shawn’s fame. Shawn had just struck it big,becoming a top–tier movie star with a massive fan base.

The scandal hit the internet like a tidal wave.

Most shocking was the heartfelt letter written by the autistic child’s parents, which hurled Shawn intothe eye of the storm.

Child, violation, autism–these labels, when combined, carried a weight of enormous magnitude.

His fans fervently refused to believe the allegations, but the general public was already boiling overwith outrage, lashing out at Shawn on social media platforms

Star Movie Group was instantly in the firing line!

When Maja arrived at the police station, Shawn’s manager, Bertha, was already there waiting. Theburly man was crying, his eyes red and swollen.

“Mr. Pennyfeather”

Upon seeing Maja, he quickly stood up from the ground.

I’m sorry. Mr. Pennyfeather

Maja didn’t look at him. She walked straight into the police station

Shawn was seated on a bench, a police officer still interrogating him.

Maja, exuding a powerful aura, was dressed in a grey women’s suit, her hair simply tied in a lowponytail.

She first shook hands with the officer in charge, then placed her hand on Shawn’s shoulder.

“Officer, until our lawyer arrives, Shawn wont be saying anything

Shawn shivered. He was completely at a loss.

Having been in the entertainment industry for so long, he knew the implications of the current situation.If the scandal was not handled properly, his career would be over

He hung his head listening to Maja calmly rebutting every single question from the police, until theofficer had no choice but to wait for the lawyer

Maja pulled Shawn aside and poured him a cup of tea.

“From start to finish, tell me everything that happened

Shawn, who was naturally expressive about his feelings, was now subdued. Thankfully, he wasn’tincoherent from fear.

“When I went to the little girl’s home for an ad shoot, her parents mentioned that she was a fan of mineand asked if I could talk to her alone. I agreed. considering the girl’s condition, and went to her room togive her an autograph.”

“Was the photographer not in the room?”

“No, the parents didn’t want him to follow me into the bedroom I was only there for a few minutesbefore going back to shoot normally

Maja understood the situation. It was a trap set up by the parents, using their autistic daughter as bait

“Mr Pennyfeather. I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused the company. You can terminate my contract”

In such situations, companies usually cut their losses and protect their reputation Although letting go ofa top–tier star like Shawn was a tough call, it was necessary to save the company’s reputation

For Shawn, who would be discarded he wouldn’t stand a chance of bouncing back. The onlinecommunity would tear him apart.

Maja didn’t respond. She was contemplating how to turn the situation around

The opponents tactics were indeed underhanded, especially in exploiting a child

Now, as the child’s parents tearfully pleaded their case in public, the public naturally expected StarMovie Group to provide an explanation.

[I cant believe Shawn is capable of such a thing!

[He violated an autistic child! He’s a monster! He deserves to diel

[No mother would exploit her own daughter especially at the cost of ruining her child’s life!

Therefore, everyone believed the mother’s allegations were true, that Shawn was indeed guilty of sucha heinous act.

The internet was buzzing, and the atmosphere in the police station was heavy

Maja took a sip of the water in front of her and advised him

“Until this matter is resolved, stay off the internet and switch off your phone I have Bertha keep an eyeon you. As for the police, our lawyer will handle it Right now, it’s just the parents side of the story Untilevidence is presented, you’re still free

The lawyer arrived shortly Shawn watched as Maja spoke with the lawyer Her eyes were calm andcomposed as she argued reasonably with the police. promising full cooperation but refusing to makeany public commitments until the investigation was concluded.

By the time they reached a consensus, it was already six in the morning

Maja had just left the police station in her car when it stopped at a traffic light. Another car pulled upnext to her. It was Linda

With a defiant smirk, Linda rolled down her window, made a gun shape with her hand, and pretended toshoot in Maja’s direction before speeding off.

These wealthy second–generation kids, who ran amok in North America, didn’t consider Maja a threat.novelbin

Linda and a few other rich kids laughed uproariously. Someone asked her,

“Linda, if you manage to get revenge for Judith, will you become her sister–in–law?”

Linda’s smirk disappeared, replaced by a coy smile.

That depends on Dylan’s decision.”

The car erupted into laughter as they began discussing North American affairs, completely disregardingMaja.

None of them had taken any action, considering dealing with Maja a minor issue, Now that Maja hadcrossed Linda, they decided to let Linda exact her own revenge. Crushing Maja would indirectly bringLinda and Dylan closer together

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