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Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Jack was dressed in black, approaching Naomi like a huge, looming mountain,

Chills ran downNaomi‘s back. She immediately sat up straight and proper. She was feeling quite nervous

“Are you feeling better?” Jacktowered over Naomi, looking down at her, sizing her up. His gaze fell on the bruises on her arm.A hint of darkness flashed across his eyes.

Smith the butler had already told him everything about the blind date. Scott had oecretly changed the blind date to Clarissa instead of Naomi. Naomi was kept in the dark, Jack‘s meeting with Naomi was just acoincidence.

“It‘s only light injuries, it‘s almost healed,” Naomi answered in a fake nonchalance. She uncovered the sheets and got up

“I’ve seen the video. We no longer owe each other anything. I‘ll make a move first.” Naomi saida couple of polite words and wanted to leave. She did not want to get involved with a person like Jack who was nothing but trouble.

Jack reached his arm out and blocked her in her path

“What are you doing?” Naomi lifted her head in confusion, looking at Jack‘s emotionless face,

“Grandpa wants to see you.”

In the end, Naomi was still worried about Old Mister Hough, so she followed Jack to the VIP ward.

“Naomi! If it weren‘t for you, I would have died today!”

“Old Mister Hough, you must be joking. I barely did anything. Furthermore, your sickness flaredup because of me…”

Naomi looked guilty. She secretly observed Old Mister Hough‘s expression. When she saw that his cheeks were still rosy and looking normal, she was relieved,

“No, you were the one that saved my life, just like your mother back then,” Old Mister Hough said seriously

Naomi lifted her head in shock. “You knew my mother?”

“Of course, it‘s a pitythat Rachel…” Upon mentioning Naomi‘s mother, Old Mister Hough had a pitiful look. Hequickly changed the topic.

“About thosephotos. The moment I saw them I knew it was fake. I was angry not because of you, but becauseof Andrea! She‘s still young, yet she came up with fake evidence to defame another person! What a hugeembarrassment to the Hough family!”

Old Mister Hough started coughing due to his agitation, Naomi immediately comforted him, “Old Mister Hough, calm down. Those things are in the past.”novelbin

“No, the Houghs owe you too much. Jack, apologize to Naomi at once!”

“What?” Jack was slightly stunned. His tone inflectedupwards in surprise. He was the President of the Hough Corp. It was always other people who wereapologizing to him. Since when has he ever lowered himself to others?

Old Mister Hough was even asking him to apologize to a kid.

“What are you waiting for? Apologize to Naomi now!” Old Mister Hough said in a low voice. He widenedhis eyes in a sharp gaze.

Jack turned to faceNaomi with one hand in his pocket. He cleared his throat. His face was stiffened. He quickly said, “Sorry.”

Naomi looked at how Jack was defeated. She was secretly delighted. She never thoughtthat she would be able to witness this.

“It’s fine, I’m generous andmerciful, I‘ll forgive you!” Naomi smugly raised her eyebrow. She also deliberatelytiptoed and patted Jack on the shoulder.

“Is that so? So, I should praise you foryour generosity?” Jack looked at her with an ambiguous smile. His gaze was as sharp as ever.

Chills suddenly ran down Naomi‘s spine. She immediately stopped smiling. There was a time to becourageous and there was a time to be a coward.

Old Mister Hough thought that they had reconciled. He smiled and said, “Naomi, I‘m sorry about how my ghas treated the wedding. Don‘t worry, I won‘t let you down. The Hough Corp will hold a press conferenceto announce the marriage of you two. I‘ll make sure Jack will give you the grandest wedding ever!”

“What? Announcing our marriage? Wedding?” Naomi was in a baffled daze. How could they announce the

“Old Mister Hough, you‘ve been mistaken, actually, Jack and I…hmm!” Naomi quickly explained. She was halfway through when a huge hand came from the side and qui

Jack‘s voice came from above her head. “Grandpa, I have to take Naomi for her checkup now. Rest well.”

Then, Jack tugged on Naomi‘s collar like a mother cat carrying her kitten. She wascarried out of the ward by Jack!

Outside the ward, Naomi opened her mouth wide and bit Jack‘s palm hard. Jackimmediately let go and gasped in pain.

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