Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 80 The Two-Faced Stone
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Chapter 80 The Two-Faced Stone

Chapter 80 The Two-Faced Stone

Upon hearing Lachlan's enthusiastic response, Branden was taken aback for a moment beforesneering, "Kid, it seems like you don't know anything! Don't try to act tough. If you admit that youwere just talking nonsense and apologize to me, I won't make things difficult for you!"

"Idiot! It's obvious this piece of material will turn out green! A useless waste who knows nothingdares to challenge Mr. Carney!" Harlow mocked with a cold laugh.

"Do you think the title 'Sky-eye Carney' was just given to him? Even those who have a little commonsense know that this piece of material is a sure bet. Ignorance is truly terrifying. Haha..." Kacperalso laughed and shook his head.

"Common sense isn't always the truth! Not only this stone but any of the rough stones in this batch,I'm willing to bet they'll all be garbage!" Lachlan said in a deep voice with unwavering confidence.

Miranda glanced at Lachlan. She was sure that this rough stone would also turn out green but didn'ttry to persuade him otherwise since she had witnessed his miraculous abilities before.

However, Betty felt nervous for Lachlan and leaned over to advise him, "Mr. Willis, this rough stonedefinitely won't fail. Don't gamble with him; if you lose 1 million dollar and still have to give him thejade we cut from it... wouldn't that be infuriating?"

"Yeah Mr. Wills, there's no need," Orion chimed in.

It wasn't because they didn't believe in Lachlan; it was simply because the quality of this roughstone looked too good.

At this moment, Harlow suddenly thought of something and sneered, "Oh yeah, can your gold-digging ass come up with 1 million? Don't try to weasel out if you lose!"

In her eyes, Lachlan was just a puppet husband for Miranda.

He had a million dollars in his hand?

Even if Lowe's Pharmaceutical suddenly received orders worth millions of dollars, they wouldn't giveany to Lachlan.

Even Miranda couldn't get her hands on those millions. She only completed Victoria's goals.

After all, the chairman of the pharmaceutical company was still Victoria's.

"You don't have to worry about that. I can come up with a million," said Lachlan expressionlessly.

"Oh wow! Your little puppet act is really paying off huh? Do you drink foot-washing water every dayand serve my cousin happily?" Harlow taunted and insulted him.

"Harlow! That's enough!" Miranda blushed slightly and angrily rebuked Harlow as she became moreoffensive in her speech.

"Hmph! Some people can't find a good man but still act high-and-mighty and refuse to marry intowealthy families. They find themselves a gigolo but won't let anyone say anything about it. Here'smy boyfriend; say whatever you want." Harlow said sarcastically while hugging Kacper's armproudly.

She was actually the same age as Miranda; just half a year apart.

Harlow had always been overshadowed by Miranda since they were young. Miranda was alwaysthe center of attention in school, and even though Harlow was smart and beautiful, she could never

compete with Miranda's popularity. As they grew older, Miranda's ability to manage her familybusiness far surpassed Harlow's, which only fueled her jealousy towards her.

But when it came to finding a man, Harlow finally felt like she had one up on Miranda. She believedthat her boyfriend was much better than Lachlan in every way possible and couldn't wait to show offin front of Miranda.

Miranda simply chuckled at Harlow's display of arrogance. She knew that there were plenty ofwealthy suitors vying for her attention who were far more impressive than Kacper or any other manthat Harlow could bring around.

As they watched the stone being placed onto the cutting machine by Anton' men, Lachlanconvinced that it was nothing but junk. However, since Anton wasn't paying for it himself anyway, hedecided to let them have their fun.

"So how do you want us to cut this?" The master cutter asked them both.

"Cut from this line and slowly polish it," Branden said, using a chalk to draw on the stone.

"I think we should just cut it in half from the middle. Don't waste our time!" Lachlan said impatiently,rolling his eyes.

Harlow scoffed at him, "You're just trying to ruin this stone because you know you're going to lose toMr. Carney and don't want him to have it."novelbin

"Don't be so twisted in your thinking, young man," Branden replied coldly.

Anton frowned at Lachlan and disliked him even more. He felt that not only did this young man liketo talk big, but he also had a bad motive.

"Don't listen to him. Whatever Mr. Carney says goes!" Kacper sneered and spoke up for Branden.

The two stone-cutting masters nodded their heads and ignored Lachlan as they aimed their cuttingmachine at the line and began cutting the stone. They had years of experience helping Anton cutstones, so they knew what they were doing.

This rough was obviously good material with an 80-90% chance of producing green jadeite or eventop-grade jadeite. Who would suggest cutting it in half?

That was just intentional sabotage!!


Amidst the piercing sound of friction and cutting, stone powder formed a white mist.

Lachlan held Nora close and moved away, but everyone else stared wide-eyed and approached,staring intently.

"Green! Green!"

Branden whispered eagerly with a hopeful expression.

However, as the saw blade went deeper, his face couldn't help but change.


As the rough stone was split in half, two gray-white surfaces appeared prominently.

Only some poorly-formed green veins and spots were sparsely distributed like they were trying todeceive people.

"It failed?"


"How could this happen?"

Kacper and Harlow stared wide-eyed with disbelief on their faces.

"No! This is just a thin slice. Let's cut again!" Branden drew another line, unwillingly saying. The twomen followed this line to find a good entry point and once again raised a burst of white mist on thestone surface.

However, the result was still the same.

"No! It's impossible! Keep cutting!" Branden's face became ugly as he shouted with widened eyes.

In a piercing sound of "chirp chirp," this original stone was cut into seven pieces before stopping.

"How is this possible? The quality of this original stone is so good. How could it be like this?"

"Mr. Carney also has moments when he misjudges!"

"This is too weird... how could it be like this?"

Inside were either gray-white cut surfaces or some messy green marks that looked completelydifferent from the crystal-clear exterior.

This original stone can truly be described as having two faces.

"Hehe, I said that these batches of original stones look good but are actually all rubbish! Not evenone complete jade can be carved out. At most, you can make a low-quality miscellaneous jadefinger ring that looks like something from a street vendor for two dollars." At this time, Lachlan saidnonchalantly.

As soon as his words fell silent, Anton' face changed unpredictably. He glanced at Kacper and thenasked Branden in confusion, "Mr. Carney what exactly is going on?"

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