Daddy the Miracle Medic (Lachlan and Miranda)

Chapter 62 Coming To Steal Medicine
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Chapter 62 Coming To Steal Medicine

Chapter 62 Coming to Steal Medicine

Upon hearing Caden's words, Miranda's once delighted face was now filled with anger andfrustration.

The company had no grievances with this man, and his status should not have made him listen toher uncle or grandmother and hinder their progress.

Why would he come to belittle their new drug?novelbin

Romeo, Eliza, and Sonny all showed cold smiles and teasing looks again.

They felt that something unexpected had happened once more.

However, what surprised them was that Flynn did not listen to advice at all. They saw him staring atCaden saying, "Old man, stop talking nonsense. You're too late; I've already secured these drugshaha..."

Caden's face looked a bit unpleasant as he said, "Mr. Morris, I advise you to be cautious. If you buytoo many of these drugs and lose money on them? Why don't we split it half-and-half? I'll help sharethe risk!"

A few boos were heard in the warehouse after he finished speaking.

Romeo and Eliza who were feeling proud just a second ago froze in shock as they realized whatwas happening!

Caden wasn't here to belittle their new drug; he was clearly here to compete with Flynn for it!

If he really thought the drug wasn't good enough why would he offer Flynn half of it?

What kind of person helped share risks like this? Especially businessmen!

"Get outta here!" Flynn waved his hand impatiently and nervously turned to Miranda. "Ms. Lowe, wehad a deal! I've already packaged all the medicine, you can't back out now! I'll have someone wirethe money to you right away and we'll sign the contract today!"

After all, it was just a verbal agreement before, and Flynn was afraid that Miranda would change hermind.

"Mr. Morris, don't worry. If I agreed to it, I won't go back on my word." Miranda's beautiful face wasfilled with joy.

Although she said so, Flynn still wasn't at ease. He immediately called someone to transfer 10million dollar into Lowe's Pharmaceutical's account.

"Ms. Lowe, the money has been transferred!" The company's financial manager exclaimedexcitedly.

At this point in time Romeo and Eliza were completely dumbfounded!

With the money transferred over for this 10 million dollar order there was no way they couldsabotage anything anymore.

However things weren't over yet; Caden walked up to Miranda with a polite smile on his face, "Ms.Lowe let me introduce myself. I am Downs' Medicine's Chairman of the Board of Directors. We areinterested in representing your company's new drug."

"I will give you 20 million dollars for exclusive rights in three states," he continued smoothly.

Upon hearing this news Miranda trembled slightly with excitement as her pretty face turned red fromexhilaration making her even more stunning than before!

20 million dollars? Plus Flynn's 10 million dollar order made 30 million dollars! She had evenexceeded her family agreement target!

"Was the once unattainable goal really that simple?" Miranda asked, despite her excitement. "ButMr. Morris has already bought up all the medicine! We don't have any stock right now."

"It's okay," Caden replied nonchalantly. "Consider these 20 million as a prepayment. Your companycan't possibly only produce one batch, right?"

Miranda was about to agree eagerly when Lachlan pulled her back.

"Mr. Morris paid 10 million just for Merton's agency rights," he teased Caden. "You're asking fortwice that amount for three states? And this medicine is only so-so, produced by a small companywith no recognition."

Caden chuckled nervously and said, "Oh... haha, I was just trying to scare Mr. Morris off. Yourcompany's medicine is truly miraculous and will definitely be a hit! I am very sincere in seekingcooperation."

"Okay then! 40 million and you can have agency rights in three states," Lachlan said firmly.

Caden smiled awkwardly before gritting his teeth and saying, "Deal."

The people present were all shocked at this exchange.

The core members of their company were so excited they could cry at seeing Lachlan haggling withsuch a big shot in the pharmaceutical industry; they feared he would simply walk away from themaltogether if things didn't go well enough during negotiations.

But they didn't expect that he would actually raise the price, and double it at that!

How badly did Caden want the agency rights for this new drug?

Romeo, Eliza, and Sonny's expressions were beyond ugly.

Afterwards, several well-known national agents came one after another, seeking to sign contracts.

There were even two who almost fought over the agency rights.

In less than an hour, Lowe's Pharmaceutical's account had directly increased by 130 million!

Watching this scene unfold made Romeo and Eliza feel like vomiting blood.

While no one was looking, they slunk away in disgrace to avoid further embarrassment.

Compared to these big agents, Sonny couldn't even be considered a somebody.

They had schemed to cheat Miranda through Sonny before but now it was just a joke!

In the end, Sonny approached Miranda with a flattering smile on his face.

"Ms. Lowe... can you give me an agency too? I just want Edoland's! I'll place an order for 2 millionright away and have someone transfer it!"

At this point there was no need to consider whether or not this drug could be sold. With so many bigshots signing on as agents with their channels and connections, Lowe's Pharmaceutical's new drugwould definitely sell without any worries!

It was certain that it would become a huge success.

It can be said that whoever got the agency rights for even one of these four new drugs will make afortune! Miranda's eyes flashed with disgust as she said expressionlessly, "Mr. Turner, you've beentaking on so much business lately. Aren't you too busy? Don't bother yourself!"

"No! I'm not busy!"

"Ms. Lowe, can you consider it as a favor to me, given our years of partnership? How aboutgranting me the rights to sell just one medication..." Sonny pleaded.

"Get lost!"

Miranda was about to say something else when Lachlan pulled her behind him.

He didn't have Miranda's patience and manners, pointing directly at Sonny and rebuking him.

Sonny turned red then black in the face and left in embarrassment.

He regretted it deeply now that he realized how popular Lowe's Pharmaceutical's new drugs were.

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