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Chapter 431 Encirclement

Chapter 431 Encirclement

Outside the Lowe Residence!

The heavy gate of the old mansion was blown away just like when Cobra came last time.

Two guards who were originally stationed outside the gate, belonging to the Lowe family, had turned into two corpses.In addition to that. a person who had just left the old mansion was also killed in a gruesome manner!

The bodies of these three people were laid out side by side outside the gate of the Lowe Residence.

At this moment, there was a loud noise as if someone had broken open the gate. The three Bright Force experts from the Lowe family rushed out toinvestigate after seeing those bodies outside. However, they barely stepped out before their eyes went blank!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by three muffled sounds, all three Bright Force experts suddenly spewed blood and flew backward.

Their chests caved in and their hearts and lungs burst; they were struck down with one blow!

In an instant, three figures appeared outside the Lowe family's big door. They exuded an undisguised killing intent and coldness.

They were none other than Black Star and Thunderstorm — both hall masters — as well as Lightless!

Lightless stood behind his two subordinates with his hands behind his back while wearing a sneer on his face.

To deal with warriors of this level of Bright Force, Thunderstorm of the Grandmaster Realm and Black Star can knock them out with a single punch.

Apart from the three of them on this side of the main entrance, there were also a dozen top experts from the NC headquarters stationed in variousdirections of the Lowe Residence. All of them possessed strength above the mid-stage of Transmutation Force.

Inside the Lowe Residence, upon hearing the loud noise outside and the news brought by Charlie, Victoria and her group of children’s faces instantlychanged. "They came so quickly?” Victoria's loose face twitched several times, filled with panic and horror.

Romeo and Harlow also turned pale. Owen and the others seemed restless.

At this moment, another expert from the Lowe family rushed in, speaking incoherently out of fear, "Mrs. Lowe, Thunderstorm, Black Star the hallmaster of the NC Organization, and two others are outside the main gate. They said... they said..."

"What did they say? Hurry up and tell!" Victoria tapped her cane and anxiously questioned with a mix of shock and anger.

"They said everyone inside this old mansion should wait to die! Whoever goes out will be killed! One person comes out, one person gets killed!" TheLowe family expert said angrily and fearfully.

Upon hearing this, everyone's faces changed. A strong sense of fear spread throughout the room. "What do we do? What do we do? Are they treatingus as playthings to be tortured?”

"These insane people, if they have the guts, let them come in and give us a good fight!”Everyone expressed their anger and fear. "What do we do? Mom, what do we do?”

"If only I knew, if only I knew I shouldn't have come back today..." Jennifer's voice trembled"Why panic? Why panic?"

"They haven't come in yet, have they?”

Victoria looked at the panicked crowd and scolded angrily. In fact, she was panicking too.

She never expected the people from the NC Organization to arrive so quickly. She had originally planned to transfer her shares as soon as possibleand remove herself from the situation, but she didn't expect it to happen. Now that the people from the NC Organization had arrived at the door, therewas no escaping. Even if they cowered in the old mansion, they couldn't avoid it. They had to face it after all..

With this iftmind, Victoria snorted

coldly. "Quick, call the police. I dant

believethe NC Organization would

be SOx ‘audacious as to attack i in

broad! daylight! I'll call Lachlan right

away. Didn't he say he could handle

it?’ Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Victoria took out her phone and dialed Lachlan’s number as she said. The others quickly called the police, hoping to have armed forces sent to dealwith the NC Organization.

However, the next second, the expressions on Victoria and everyone's faces changed

"Can't make a call?”

"No signal?”

"The signal here is blocked!" The voices of the people changed, sinking into despair completely.

At this moment, they felt like they were waiting to be slaughtered like beasts, trapped here. Unable to make a call, unable to leave, completely cut off,they could only... wait for death!

The people from the NC Organization seemed to be playing a game of slaughter, trapping them here and killing them without anyone knowing.Killing people and destroying their spirits, nothing could be worse!

Victoria stood there, her face changing several times before taking a deep breath.

"Let's go and take a look outside!"

"Mom, don't... don't!" Romeo hurriedly tried to stop her. "Hiding here is also waiting for death!"

"Since the people from the NC Organization didn't directly rush in, maybe we... still have a chance!"

"Even if we don't..." Victoria said up to this point, not finishing her sentence.

In her heart, she thought to herself: Even if we don't, I still want to find an opportunity to drag that hateful guy Lachlan with me to die!

Outside the main gate. Lightless stood there, with a smirk and a cruel smile on his face. Black Star and Thunderstorm calmly looked at the oldmansion, ready to take action at any moment.

At this moment, four more bodies were lined up there, all fatally struck with a single blow.

The reason thisy didn't directly bringpeople in andchose this methodwas not only to enjoy the pleasure-ofkilling art vent their hatred but alsobecause the people who cametthistimewwere all elites, so their qumbersweren't many. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org a

Lightless's goal was to eliminate everyone in the Lowe Residence, not allowing a single person to escape.

The NC Organization always acted in such an extreme way. So, even though they had top experts on their side. if they directly rushed into the LoweResidence, it was still possible for someone to escape.

Now. by adopting this "hunting" methed and arranging experts in all directions of the Lowe Residence. they could ensure that there would be nomistakes and that everyone would be killed

At this moment, a bodyguard from the Lowe Residence, seeing the situation at the main gate, panicked and tried to escape by jumping over the wallfrom the northwest corner of the old mansion.novelbin

However, as soon as he jumped out, he faced a ruthless and merciless attack!The next second, he turned into a corpse...Victoria was accompanied by a few remaining experts from the Lowe family, as well as Owen and the others. walking out with serious expressions

When they saw the row of bodies deliberately placed outside the main gate, their pupils shrank. It was as if they could sense a disaster of the highestorder.

At this moment, the main gate of theold mansiop. ‘seemed like the gatesof hell. Stepping through this gate,-~they would face merciless slaughterand death. And staying inside, theywoul probably only be able:tosurvive in misery! Content bélongsto NovelDrama.Org ;

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